Þicc'n Tailors



3 years, 9 months ago


A niche company that helps outfit customers of numerous sizes, species, and afflictions. Þicc'n Tailors, is a line of shops that offer primarily clothes for those who may be considered too large for most standard types of clothing, or have certain issues with those in more traditional lines of market, they also sell other useful items or tools that can help the buyer(s).

Þicc'n Tailors' stock can range wildly; from extraordinarily stretchy materials for those who struggle with excessive-sized body parts, and steel corsets for those who will constantly bloat with juice, to specialised belly cushions which help conceal bumps from whatever or whoever the wearer has in them, and even helping people find the right treatments and processes for the bodies and goals that they wish to have.

-Þicc'n Tailors is pronounced as "Thicc'n Tailors" thanks to the usage of a Thorn, or 'Þ'. However, it is commonly misspelt and mispronounced as "picc'n Tailors" or "bicc'n Tailors".
-Almost all of their products have been approved by varying levels of authority, such as the E.E.S and the bodies that govern them.
-Most stores have a number of regulated, over the counter drugs for folk to enjoy. Specific requirements are necessary to buy them, but they include blueberry gums and various shaped gummy, such as air valves.