❀ Dahlia



3 years, 10 months ago


Nickame Lia
Age 20
Gender female
Pronouns she/they
Best Friend Razzle dazzle <3
Occupation bakery owner
Species strawberry bat

The story starts when Dahlia was a baby, her biological parents dumped her in the middle of the Point North forest as they couldn't take care of her. Alone, in vampire infested forest, things weren't looking for good for her. Fortunately, Vampire-Bat negotiator Lucien Sylvaris stumbled across the child on his way back from negotiating terms for land. He took her back to his home of Souridge forest, unsure of what to do or where she came from. As the child was a rivaling species of Bat - the folks of the forest looked down at his decision to bring her back. Though in his heart, he knew he'd made the right choice. As Lucien had his own child to take care of as a single dad, he knew he couldn't manage taking care of her as well, so he began his search for loving parents. Soon after, Dahlia finally found a home with a loving couple and long time friend of Lucien's - Danica and Michael Visaris. Her newfound parents were gentle and caring, exactly what the child needed. They decided to name her Dahlia. Despite being rather sheltered by her parents - in fear of discrimination from the rest of the forest's people - Dahlia had a great upbringing and grew to love the Souridge Forest. Being good friends of the Sylvaris family, she found a very close friend in Lucien's daughter, Razabella. From that point forward, the two were completely inseparable. Dahlia and those close to her created a beautiful home.