


3 years, 8 months ago



"So sick of playing by the rules, so bored of caring what is cool!"
"Can't keep up with my rhythm!"


 Name  Daniel Anderson 
 Age  25 
 Gender  Male 
 Pronouns  he/him 
 orientation  Bisexual 
 Species  Housecat 
 worth  $0 


  • Able to lucid dream, loves to start chaos in his dreams.
  • Was driving long before he actually got his permit.
  • Absolutely loves stim jewelry.


Danny is a bit of a wildcard, and for sure a leader rather than a follower in spirit. After dropping out of college, he got a job in an arcade and an apartment, and while it's not perfect, he seems pleased with how his life's gone, making the most of it in whatever way he can.

He's loud and he knows it, howling with laughter at the dumbest jokes and belting out all his favorite songs whenever and wherever he hears them. He's often at local parties, bringing lots of snacks and (when appropriate) booze and chatting up every face there. He still gets a kick out of outdated memes and jokes and uses plenty of outdated slang, but doesn't seem to care when people laugh at him for it.

He has trouble maintaining focus, though, and some days, he can get frustrated with things quickly. It's on days like this that he prefers just to stay at home and enjoy a relatively quiet day watching videos on YouTube. He also has to take care not to be too harsh on himself on most days, often getting hung up on the past and his shortcomings when left alone with his thoughts for too long.