Julian (seraphim dog)



Nickame: Jules
Age: 800
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: he / they
Birthday: July 29th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: seraphim dog
Height: can change size at will
Orientation: gay
Occupation: protector of the cosmos
Home: the galaxy
Closest Friends: Estrelle, Twilight
Favorite Color: cyan
  • playing fetch
  • protecting others
  • drinking water
  • the color blue
  • friendly people
  • play wrestling

Julian is the universe's best boi, the one that protects everyone from oncoming blackholes. His halo is removable and he loves to play fetch with it. Julian has a twin brother, Helios, who is is polar opposite and a hellhound. Despite their differences, Jules still cares for his brother; but this wouldn't stop him from protecting the cosmos from him if it came down to it.

Though I would never ever part with Julian, I'm thinking of putting Helios in the for sale album, as I don't think I'll ever use him again outside of the art contest I created him for. It sounds a bit harsh, but I would rather Helios go to someone that would use him, because I don't think I would.

  • true evil
  • planet destruction
  • animosity
  • cruelity
  • being bored
  • firey places