Lyrica Cavanaugh



3 years, 9 months ago


Cadeyrn's little sister, and a student of Fresh Frost Academy for The Gifted. She's entirely mute due to the trauma of losing her parents. She was mostly nonverbal even before that, but she hasn't spoken a single word since. She prefers to use writing to express her thoughts, as she doesn't know many people aside from Caddy and Hibiki who use sign language enough to understand her.

Often seen staring at Morri when at home, not intentionally but she really thinks Morri is cool. Morri tends to misunderstand this so she pins Lyrica as a creep, causing a bit of strain on their relationship.

Wants to work in a shrine for Pine when she gets old enough. Spends a lot of time playing the cello or videogames. Videogames, in fact, is her main sort of "connection" with her big brother, as they tend to play together and Lyrica doesn't have to feel pressure to talk verbally while playing.

She likes to take photos of Apple and Cobbler when they do cute things, and often follows them around to catch a good picture. She also loves the texture of their fur, despite being a bit of a germophobe.

May be autistic? But definitely undiagnosed if so.