Yoshi Kin



4 years, 1 month ago




Felsh Rulynx


Botanist, Shop owner






YoshiKin is from another land where is prohibited to interact with another species because they would get corrupted. This have more impact on him when he was younger, because he didn't know why he always have to move with another noble family and live as employee or something more low of that when if he even was born in one already. This didnt sound bad at all, but the reality was he never could enjoyed the priviliged of that economic situation, the reason for that was he is a "impure". The result of Felsh and another race with nature's affinity. All of his life in that place, he always was used for his ability of create life, when he touch dead plants or where is impossible to the possibility of something emerge in a specific surface. That had give advantage of the last family who had "adopt him" because they discovered that potential on him but what a cost.

One day, he returned to his tiny bedroom of him, before, he had share that with another employee of the house. Hungry, tired, with a lot of revenge thoughts for the bad treatment and non acceptance of people around him after all of the things he did for them ... Tired of that situation, with nothing in his hands he left that miserable life. He managed to scape for a one way to "pass" to another side no matter what and when he found it, he closing the way behing him where now he was totally alone.

YoshiKin traveled for many years where the wind guides him, no more aristocracy or hunger. He managed very well thanks for a one family of foxes who helps him on the beggining. Like a miracle he could put a little travelling shop and he gained the neccesary for life well, but inside him he wanted more and more and that feel made he get into a shaddy bussiness. Later, he ends to scam them and he scaped one more time, but in that process to go where nobody knows him, he invades the territory of another shop owner, Nailao.

At first, he didn't had idea that he was stealing the clients of his "rival" and the other get mad about that, so he never feel guilty. Include, he enjoyed the longs talks and afternoon tea's with Nai even if in the beggining the other was a little impolite, he found that funny. And with the time, they're fell in love... For first time in his life, Yoshi could feel that he belonged to somewhere... That he have someone to trust and for that, he wouldn't let that nobody took away his hapiness. So, he went to resolve his bussiness, that take it some time but when he returned to his beloved...In that moment, he could breaths with relief. Nowadays he's married with Nai and have a lovely two childs, he currently enjoy his live together with his family.


  • Friendly
  • Literally big catto
  • Usually noisy
  • Lucky


  • Nai
  • Money
  • Baozi
  • Take naps

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