
4 years, 1 month ago



NOTE: she’s a bit op lol tryna make her better but idk what I’m doing

Name: Gobi

Nickname: GoGo, Gobes, Whopper Tail

Meaning of name: The desert she was born in

Age: 14

Height: 4’10.5”

Weight: 110 lbs

Species: Mongolian death worm

Gender: genderfluid

Pronouns: she/they, occasionally he (they don’t really care)

Birthday: May 1st

Ethnicity: Mongolian

Languages spoken: Mongolian (1st language), broken English (2nd language)

Sexuality: Pansexual, open to polyamorous relationships

Powers: Lethal projectile spit and electric discharge - spit burns and erodes flesh

Overall: They don’t seem to care for others and mainly worry about themself. They’re always looking for attention wherever they are and tend to be rather arrogant. Despite this, they lack some confidence and try to cover it up with more and more arrogance. But, once they feel comfortable with a person, they begin to reveal their more vulnerable side, sweet and always giving (but still pretty stuck up and far too proud). Even with friends, they highly prioritize the time they spend alone.

Good traits: Good leader despite their arrogance

Bad traits: Their lack of care or interest in others; often judging before they can get close based on how others treat the person in question

Habits: curling tail around them when anxious

Hobbies: shopping, practicing makeup, playing video games online

Likes: Whoppers (chocolate wafer candy), admiration from others, alone time, makeup, and travelling

Dislikes: other arrogant people, being demeaned, being bothered or interrupted while spending alone time, physical touch (to some extent), and staying still on others’ command

Fears: Being dethroned, being exposed as a bad person (imposter syndrome), disappointing others

Aesthetic: candy boxes and gum ball machines


Intelligence: 8/10

Strength: 4/10

Agility: 6/10

Wisdom: 3/10

Charisma: 5/10

Dexterity: 3.5/10

Honesty: 9/10

Kindness: 6.5/10 (once you get to know them)

Physical health: They’re healthy, apart from the common cold or fever here and there and skipping meals simply because they don’t want to leave their room and/or talk to people.

Mental health: They’re neurotypical but have tendencies to hold grudges for a long time, which can make them sad periodically.

Allergies: bee stings and pollen

Illnesses: mild anxiety

Medication: none

Diet: They typically eat camel meat and goyo plants, but really love to binge eat whoppers for hours on end while holed up in their room

Phobias: haphephobia (only in specific situations caused by the fear that they may accidentally harm someone by touching them (given their overactive electric discharge which can be magnified upon touch))

Hygiene: They maintain their hygiene well for the most part, but sometimes have bad breakouts because of how much makeup they use


Mother: most of their people skills were adopted from that of their mother, but that’s where their connections end

Father: Gobi is ashamed to look anything like their father, and that is all they’ll allow themself to have in common with him. They can’t describe why they dislike him so much beyond the obvious reasons (provided their backstory)

Siblings: they don’t have any siblings that they know of

Pets: their loyal steed, who is a panther named Yokai, and they occasionally pick up a potted plant on their travels that dies in the following days or weeks. Them and Yokai are tighter than blood and Gobi has no idea what they’d do without Yokai.

Friends: They make many friends on their trips out of the palace that they love to chat with every once in a while, but must be absolutely alone during their personal relaxation time, They buy their closest friends countless gifts and give them the world from a distance.

Love interests: none yet

Enemies: many of their subjects strongly dislike their personality and mannerisms, but since they maintain a proper ruling they cannot be forcefully dethroned.


Hometown: The Gobi Desert

First Memory: Watching the previous royal couple get married

Most important childhood event that still affects them: Being crowned as prince/ss after the downfall of the previous royal family.

Why/How? It was the pivotal moment of their life where they finally had achieved their greatest dream, only age 7, and was able to live the dream from then on.

Other memories/events that still affect him/her and why/how: The realization that their parents were incredibly entitled and were more than willing to tear down homes and families to get what they wanted for Gobi.

Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: Their outward personality. When they are around people, an entitled, toxic, and overbearing personality comes out that they can’t control. While they do appreciate what attention they can get, they wish that they could be more reserved and have more empathy. They’re ashamed of how they can’t control themself once in public. When alone, they can often act more solemn and reserved, enjoying nothing more than reading a good book or crawling onto the palace roof at 3:00 A.M. to look at the stars and the trees. They were also the cause of the previous king and queen’s death, but no one knows yet.

Biggest disillusions from childhood: That the world was meant to do nothing but bend at their will, and was only made to please them. Their parents had forced onto them from a young age that they were destined for glory and that someday everyone in the world would know their name and do anything to keep them happy.

Backstory: Because of the way they were raised and what their parents instilled into them, they grew up stepping on others and never saying ‘please’ or ‘thank you’. They expected others to do nothing but throw away their lives in favor of Gobi’s and didn’t listen to what others had to say. They were genuinely surprised when they were informed that other children all have their own dreams and some might want to be famous as well.

When they were six years old, news got out that the current royal leaders were infertile and would not be able to produce an heir to the throne. By the time they were seven, The Trials were announced and had begun.

The Trials were a set of Hunger Games-esque fighting matches to determine the strongest fighter in the entire kingdom out of willing contestants. Believing that the world was meant to change at the snap of their finger, Gobi applied. The upper-class men tried their hardest to deter them, but they were confident that they would win the throne and wanted nothing more. What most of the kingdom didn’t know was that Gobi’s powers, as a Mongolian death worm, were far more severe than most desert folk.

They ended up winning the competition and took the throne. However, after spending three months at the castle, they accidentally killed the king and queen by touching them with their tail, the most venomous part of their body which they are unfortunately unable to control manually (however they may be able to subdue their venomosity if they try hard enough after a big and/or impactful event). They have been doing their best to keep this a secret, but their guilt weighs on them every single day. They started off crying themself to sleep to cope, but they very quickly had to redirect their coping mechanisms as tears, like any other form of liquid, cause incredibly painful rashes to appear on their skin as they are very heat-oriented.

Gobi’s parents took their crowning as the sign that they could escape and run away since they knew they weren’t equipped to be raising a child, especially one of now royal status. They still haven’t been located, but Gobi has employed countless troops to try and find them, just so that they can give their parents a piece of their mind.

Since that declaration, they’ve been spending their days reading in their luxurious room, playing with whatever they want to and raising taxes every time they get obsessed with something new and more expensive. They await their parents’ return with both excitement to tear into them and dread, as they know they have nothing to defend them from any of their parents’ methods of emotional manipulation.

They came out as gender fluid at age six, to which their parents didn’t take kindly, but that issue was soon resolved with their disappearance. As for Gobi’s birth sex, no one in the castle could get Gobi to cough up an answer, and if anyone dared get close to them to try and find out for themself, they’d start foaming at the mouth as a warning and guard their body with their tail.

Templates for information: Weebot, with some prompts from ThirdPotato!

Headcanon: sassy af but sweet/kind with people/things he loves! -DrawingWithZero