


4 years, 1 month ago


Clokk is a Clockwork Devil formerly enslaved by angels till he stole an Angel's eye

A Posh gentleman, Clokk holds himself to a high standard in terms of manners and dialect. He is rather polite and willing to help souls in need in whatever way he can. However, he can be rather judgmental of people’s actions, regardless of the intent of said actions, and might not like you if you have done evil in the past, whenever or not you have changed your ways. He can also be a huge jerk if you annoy him, as he isn’t afraid to call you out on your own hypocrisy. He claims he isn’t crazy...but heaven knows his reactions to those hallucinations are not helping his case.

Origin: In Clokk's society, Angels and demons serve in very specific roles. Angels were the judges of souls, deeming them guilty or innocent, and Demons executed the souls found guilty. The demons never knew anything beyond their bloodlust, so the angels were in charge. They were the drivers of the slaves, if you will. Clokk just happened to be one of those born as a Demon, but to add insult to his injury, he was born with a severe defect (his right side didn't form correctly). He required many parts of his body to be replaced with metal and clockwork to survive past infancy, earning him the title of "The Clockwork Devil". And The angels...weren't very nice to him. While demons were already treated poorly, Clokk was ignored at best and actively tortured at worst. One night Clokk, in a sudden burst of rage due to poor treatment, committed the cardinal sin of stealing an angel's eye and replacing one of his eyes with it. It gave him the judge ability as well as higher awareness of his actions, which he deeply regretted. He vowed to be better, and that's what he did. Life was normal for the Clockwork Devil for the first few years after he stole the angel's eye...Then came the hallucinations. Clokk brushed them off initially as nothing, but they never left. He grew to hate them at first, finding them annoying and an inconvenience to his new life. Then, one Hallucination went too far in his book: He was stuck in an auditory and visual hell he could not escape for 30 whole minutes. After that, he realized they weren’t going away anytime soon, and he would have to live with them unless he did something about them. His hatred turned into a fear of them, and he wants to be rid of them as soon as possible.


  • Judge: An ability he gained after stealing an Angel’s eye, he can peer into your soul and see your deepest, darkest secrets.
  • Execute: His right arm has a gem in the hand, which is directly linked to his magic. He can use this gem to deliver electrical shocks akin to a severe electrical shock, causing burns, muscle spasms and even loss of consciousness in smaller people. He could originally insta-kill people with this ability, but he tampered with it to make it weaker, seemingly on purpose as part of his resolve to never be like that monster he was a long time ago. Tampering with it has however made the magic unstable, and sometimes (about 20% of the time) it backfires and shocks him instead of his target. 
5'10" | 147 | 260 lbs. | ???


  • His hallucinations appear angel-themed to him, from choir singing, soft voices speaking to angels themselves invading his view. Clock is also very aware that his hallucinations aren't real, and gets irritated when someone points that out.
  • A faint ticking noise can be heard when close to him. It also gets louder when he gets angry.
  • Can't swim due to metal parts, he literally just sinks in water.
  • Left-handed
  • His full title is Clokk the Clockwork Devil, but he usually goes by Clokk instead of his long ass title