


3 years, 9 months ago



Name Hazel
Gender Unknown (He/They)
Age 872
Origin Shard of Eden
Height 6' 2
Build Thin
Race Unknown/Satyr
Role Star Collector
Demeanor Lazy


No point in working if you can't stop to relax once in a while...

Hazel is an entity born from a shard of Eden's crystals. He developed about 800 years from the current present. Initially he wandered, discovering his powers over time. His powers allow him to involuntarily absorb magic from the universe around him, including people and creatures. His body manifests this magic as small magical stars that his body is made up heavily of. Being unable to control it, he has drained the magics from certain creatures beyond repair, leading to their loss of magical powers or loss of their life force, for those who are made living by magic. He isolated himself on a remote planet, being easily able to withstand the coldness of space and the harsh environments of inhabitable plantets.

After a few hundred years of isolation, his presence as a magical void was detected by AI Corp scientists, who sent droids to investigate the anomaly and study him. Having not been approached in years, he humored it, interested in communication with the outside world again. The scientists wanted to study his abilities to create heavily magical crystal stars, which the AI Corp scientists wanted to harness as cores for their robots and droids. The magical energy they held could power them for many years without the need for replacement, and Hazel could create them quite rapidly.


  • Hazel's stars are technically edible. They taste like small sugar candies.
  • He can manifest the stars outside his body quite easily, and it causes no pain for him to lose them. If he is drained almost entirely of these magic stores or unable to rebuild his stockpile of magic, his colors turn grey and he begins to die.
  • Hazel's new line of work leads him to frequent magical places, and he often prefers to vacation, or drops off the map for a while to shirk his work.