


3 years, 10 months ago


Pokemon League Champion as well as accountant sir what is wrong with you


Stoic • Reclusive • Straightforward • Patient

By all accounts, Reed should be dead. A terrible accident hit him while he was travelling, a near death experience, he says. Truthfully, he was supposed to die. The Dusknoir that was there to take his soul, however, was bested in battle and captured. So Reed lives on, the price to pay was losing his zeal for life, his passion. Emotional death, though the soul and the body live on.

All that remains of his old personality is his stubborn idealism and strong opinions on what it means to be a Pokemon Trainer.


  • the dark
  • quiet
  • busywork
  • his dearly beloved elite four members


  • being interrupted when he's busy
  • to tell you the truth, not much bothers him anymore.
  • perhaps this list would have been longer, before.
  • who knows.
Sometimes I can't tell if this guy is brilliant, or if he has a few screws loose.


Reed only operates under his own standards and ideals, which are completely incomprehensible to the average person. He tends to put on a bit of a show for his challengers, a larger than life persona. To be fair, as the Region’s Champion, he is a bit larger than life. On anyone else, the grandiose and dramatic speeches he gives would be cringey, but coming from someone of his status, they do have the intimidation factor Reed intends them to have. How stone-faced and cold he delivers his lines probably adds to this.

When he’s interacting with others normally, though, you find a very blunt and deadpan individual. Reed really isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind. At all. He’s not exactly mean, but he definitely doesn’t mince words. It seems apathy rules his being, and behavior anyone else would find irritating or even insulting doesn’t bother him in the slightest. The only thing he has a low tolerance for is being interrupted while he’s doing paperwork.

His demeanor certainly would make one assume him apathetic, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Reed is insanely stubborn and insanely idealistic. The way he views the world is unshakable and he would rather die before deviating from any of his ideals. Despite his craving for a “normal” life, he views being a Pokemon Trainer with great prestige. He has a plethora of strong opinions on what makes a Good Trainer ™, and very much looks down on those who don’t Meet them. He’s more than happy to offer feedback and criticism for others, but. Again. He doesn’t mince words, so you might not be happy with what you hear.

He’s pretty observant and can form a very strong opinion of you while never letting you in on that fact. He’s kind of a private person. For example, he loves each of his elite four members to death but they all probably think he doesn’t care about them at all cuz he’s always walking around like “._. whatever.”

Claims that he wants to/likes to be left alone but told all of the Elite Four members where the ~*~secret entrance~*~ to his office is and lets them come and go as they please for gods sakes he lets aviss pretty much live in there. He’s a kuudere but he cares everyone a lot.


• His eyes are completely dead, and there is a permanent shadow over them.

• His only tattoos are the eyeballs on the backs of each of his hands.

• He has 3 ear piercings in each ear, as well as a tongue piercing. I hate him.


• Reed's champion room opens with a narrow stone hallway lit only by candelabras. It opens into a larger room with a battle stage, similarly dim and bleak. Grandiose, dark, and intimidating is the goal.

• On the leftermost wall is a secret door between two candlesticks which leads to his personal office.

• "Secret", but all members of the Elite Four know of it, and are generally allowed in whenever they please.




Reed knows Fiore has a great deal of potential, and wishes dearly he would apply himself. While he has difficulty understanding exactly why Fiore holds back as much as he does, he's content to allow the other to do as he pleases, as when he utilizes his battle prowess, he truly is a spectacle to behold. Ever appreciative of how considerate Fiore is, as well as the effort to make the workplace a bit of a home.



An ever soothing presence to be around. Though he will never say as much, Reed very much enjoys Aviss' presence, allowing him to get away with things he probably shouldn't allow. His office is always open for the other to take a nap in, and Aviss can occasionally convince him to take a break as well. There's great comfort in being around him.



Reed very much admires Halcyon for his passion, even if it isn't quite for the league itself. That sort of thing isn't something everyone is blessed with, and he's quite lenient with the other, allowing him to take off to the beach whenever he'd like. Who is he to deny what the heart wants?



Their relationship is rather combatative, but they truly admire each other a great deal. Reed tends to goad Claude and encourage him to battle him, if he's truly so unsatisfied with his attitude. Ultimately, Reed cares for him a lot, thinking his passion and drive is truly something to be celebrated.

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