
3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Reyjna Calendell

Nickname: Rey, Reyjna, Metalhead, Misty


Gender: Female

Owner: SpectralPhoenixWings on DA, SpectralPhoenixFeathers on IG, ImpendingDoom on Discord

Race/Species: Human

Origin: Chronoscape

Affiliation: N/A

Gift Art Rules: Feel free, please show me though!

Specialties: Wind/Jungle


Bond: N/A

Rank: Dragon Rider

Class: None

Magic: Untrained

Jobs: N/A

Health: Full

Status: Healthy

Equipment: N/A

Personality: While a bit snarky and quick to judge, Reyjna is a clever, brave girl who likes to get a complete picture before she acts. She’s incredibly loyal and decisive, intuitively catching on to bits of a scenario she couldn’t possible articulate to catch on to a good answer and find the right path for herself. She’s perpetually calm on the surface, and incredibly hard to rile up. She’s very philosophical and intellectual when engaged in conversation, and is incredibly fond of jokes and wordplay, but otherwise often keeps to herself. She won’t hesitate to bluntly tell it like she sees it. While hesitant to resort to violence, she will shank anyone who might threaten those she cares about. She’s a bit of a troublemaker.

Reference Sheet: This?

Den Theme: N/A

Den Furniture: N/A

Familiars: (0/0)

Art Credits: All me!