


3 years, 9 months ago


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Insert a cool tagline here or something.


  • CREATOR Primeval Age ARPG by Slugg-o
  • DESIGNER ABeardedDragon
  • GENOTYPE rgb(225,202,150) St/C/Rm/Bn/Br
  • PHENOTYPE Brindled, starred, collared, rimmed, banded wheat
  • WORTH Unknown


Very friendly to everyone. Loves to show kindness to others, regardless of wether they are carnivore or herbivore; from helping them cross the water to offering them gifts of food. She exclusively eats fish and holds off on eating meat in scarce times until it's a serious danger for her to continue doing so.

  • AGE Adult
  • BIRTHDAY Unknown
  • HEIGHT Average
  • WEIGHT Average
  • SEX Female
  • SPECIES Suchomimus
  • OCCUPATION Unknown
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Unknown
  • RESIDENCE Autumn Forest
  • SEXUALITY Straight
  • STATUS Unknown



Very friendly to everyone. Loves to show kindness to others, regardless of whether they are carnivore or herbivore; from helping them cross the water to offering them gifts of food. She exclusively eats fish and holds off on eating meat in scarce times until it's a serious danger for her to continue doing so.



Born into a large pack of Suchomimus that lived around a river system. Grew up with her childhood friends, Renata and the slightly older Tegid.

She accidentally pushed Renata into a fast river as a hatchling, with Renata nearly plummeting over the edge of a waterfall. An adult was nearby to grab Renata from the water, but she developed a fear of the water. Amaranth blamed herself harshly for this and spent time trying to help her friend overcome her fear.

Had a crush on Tegid, was too shy to tell him. But he ended up falling for someone else. Tegid and his love left the pack as teens/young adults.


A severe drought caused her pack's river to dry up. The pack was stubborn and refused to leave their home. Fish was incredibly hard to come by and Amaranth didn't want to eat anything else. Had a small falling out with Renata over this; was really from the heart as Renata didn't want to watch her friend starve. Amaranth suggested leaving, which caused further tension between them. But as the situation got more dire, the two girls left their pack and travelled across the dry landscape.

The pair stumble into an autumn forest. They're surprised to find the owner of this territory is Tegid. His relationship fell apart after leaving the pack, but he stayed out here to maintain this territory. He welcomes Amaranth and Renata into his home.

Amaranth instantly found all her childhood feelings for him returning. Scared of losing him again, she confessed. Tegid said he often thought of her while he was alone here. They decide to try and start a relationship.

Maybe they rushed into it a little too soon. But within months, they had their first clutch. The two eggs would be their eldest son, Haruko, and daughter, Malina. They had their hands full, not having much experience with hatchlings after leaving the pack so early. On top of this, the couple had some initial struggles in rediscovering each other and noticing changes after so long apart. But they tried their hardest and maybe spoiled their hatchlings a little too much.


Several years later, their children were now teens. Amaranth and Tegid decided to have a second clutch. This time they only had a single egg, which would hatch into their second son, Pato. They wanted to get their two children involved in raising Pato, so that they might know how to raise their own young. Amaranth and Tegid would show them how to tend to the nest and incubate an egg. After hatching, they would often pass baby-sitting duties onto Haruko and Malina so they could fish to provide for their growing family.


  • Describe your character's demeanour here. How do they carry themselves? Are they stiff and upright? Do they slouch?
  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • Describe your character's habits here.
  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Describe how your character talks. Do they stutter? Are they formal and use polite language? Are they casual? Do they slur their words?
  • COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER: "What does your character usually say to initiate a conversation?"
  • SWEARS?: No
  • CONVERSATION QUIRKS: What are some quirks/ habits your character has when speaking? Do they trail off often? Avoid eye contact? Talk/ Gesture with their hands?


  • POSTURE: What's your character's posture like? Do they slouch? Are they upright?
  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Does your character smoke or do drugs? Have they ever? Will they ever? If yes, how often do they do it?
  • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: List your character's physical illnesses/ disabilities or any other physical medical condition here here if any.
  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES: List your character's mental illnesses/ disabilities or any other mental medical condition here here if any.


  • ABILITY: Describe your character's abilities here. Note that abilities are different from skills; abilities are more things that are natural/ innate, as opposed to skills which are learned or acquired.
  • ABILITY: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • ABILITY: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • ABILITY: Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • STRENGTH: Describe your character's strength here.
  • STRENGTH: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • STRENGTH: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • STRENGTH: Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • WEAKNESS: Describe your character's weakness here.
  • WEAKNESS: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • WEAKNESS: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • WEAKNESS: Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • SKILL: Describe your character's skills here.
  • SKILL: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • SKILL: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • SKILL: Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.











  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • FOOD: Unknown
  • DRINK: Unknown
  • COLOUR: Unknown
  • NUMBER:  Unknown
  • SPORT:  Unknown
  • ANIMAL:  Unknown
  • HOLIDAY: Unknown
  • SEASON: Unknown
  • TIME OF DAY: Unknown
  • GENRE: Unknown


  • HOBBY: Describe your character's hobby here. What do they do to pass the time?
  • HOBBY: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • HOBBY: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • GOAL: Describe your character's goal here. Goals are a bit more different to dreams in the sense that goal would be a personal achievement they're working towards. It's more of a "near-end goal" as opposed to a dream in which it's more of a "far-off/ end-game" kind of goal.
  • GOAL: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • GOAL: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • DREAM: Describe your character's dream here. This isn't just what they hope to achieve, but it can be what they hope the world to be around them would be like. Goals are more personal; dreams are more about the world around the character.
  • DREAM: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • DREAM: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • FEAR: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • FEAR: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • FEAR: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • SECRET: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • SECRET: Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • SECRET: Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.


  • Put whatever artist notes for your character here. These are notes you want artists to keep in mind when drawing your character.
  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • Put whatever design notes you have for your character here. This is somewhat different from artist notes in which these are just miscellaneous facts about certain aspects of your character's design.
  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


  • BODY BUILD: Describe your character's body build here. Are they lean? Muscular? Chubby?
  • BODY SHAPE: Describe your character's body shape here. Are they hourglass-shaped? Pear? Apple?
  • EYE SHAPE: Describe your character's eye shape here. Are they droopy? Almond?
  • HAIR LENGTH: Describe your character's hair length here. Is it long? Short? Where does it end?
  • HAIR STYLE: Describe your character's hair style here. Do they tie it up in a low/ high ponytail? Do they have sideswept bangs?
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.
  • FEATURE: Describe whatever feature you want to note about your character here.




  • Put miscellaneous/ fun facts about your character here.
  • Praesent purus nibh, dignissim non libero ac, volutpat lobortis lacus. Integer a accumsan tortor. Sed vel ultrices arcu. Morbi fermentum mattis enim, in laoreet mi rhoncus non. Vivamus dictum mi at tempor ultrices.
  • Aenean commodo scelerisque tortor, vel mollis ligula suscipit quis. Pellentesque porttitor diam in metus dictum, et vestibulum augue pulvinar.
  • Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque semper mollis rhoncus. Duis euismod, orci eu dignissim vestibulum, lacus metus egestas ante, at lobortis felis erat ac magna.


Balder met Nerthus when he joined Recluse's pack. For several months, he was under close watch and didn't have much freedom to explore the pack. But when he started to prove himself and earn trust from the pack, he was allowed to spend time by himself and mix with other members. Balder took an instant liking to Nerthus. Both felt like they didn't belong in the pack; with Balder being forced to join and Nerthus humiliated for failing in every role she tried out. Balder would try to lift Nerthus' spirit, telling her she would find something she does great eventually. The two were close friends, though Balder had a crush on her that Nerthus' rejected as she had another love interest. Eventually, Balder got more involved in scout training which lead to them drifting apart.

After his months of training and first weeks a scout, Balder had more time to hang around with Nerthus. He learned that Nerthus' previous mate had left her after discovering she was infertile; producing no eggs or very small, unhealthy clutches that never hatched.




Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.




Describe the character's relationship here. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ante dui, pulvinar eget dui id, laoreet pretium ante. Sed vitae nisi libero.

Donec ac erat nunc. Donec efficitur, lacus a faucibus fermentum, nisi tortor auctor dolor, non egestas erat nulla ut ligula. Aenean molestie velit a pellentesque posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec nec nulla et mi fringilla gravida at interdum risus. Ut eu scelerisque ex. Donec et porta tellus.

Aliquam interdum mollis lectus ut tempus. Integer volutpat, leo vel tristique ultrices, arcu est sollicitudin enim, non semper ex risus nec quam. Sed eget felis at felis tempus feugiat. Maecenas quis ante ullamcorper ante vulputate tempor. Suspendisse pellentesque pretium eros, quis luctus libero hendrerit eget. Cras et nibh mattis, facilisis est nec, malesuada turpis. Morbi felis sem, ornare vel euismod id, suscipit vitae velit.