


3 years, 9 months ago



--> Profile

Her demeanor is submissive and shyish. Often doing her best just to please others and stay out of trouble. Amara is known to be kind, charming, and sweet when you get to know her. A very motherly like figure as she’ll often have empathy for those in pain or struggling. She can be considerably skittish and nervous around more aggressive or intimidating individuals, but she does her best to keep an open mind. She isn’t the fighter type, often struggling with defending herself but quick to defend others usually. But when absolutely pushed it’s been rare of her to snap back. Overall she’s just trying to be a friendly face in a dark environment..

Amara is a lovely golden female, her build is petite and slender.Has luxurious long fur around her neck, front limbs, and rump, and tail. Striking blue eyes and pink nose. A most noticeable feature of hers is her flopped ear, while the other stands upright. She has darker hues of golden around the back of her neck, shoulders, and tail top.


--> Biography

Born on a farm, Amara had a relatively calm beginning. She was born of an accidental litter. Her human’s relatives were visiting the farm from the city with their Husky, Meeko, who was captivated by the farmer's Golden Retriever, Bailey. Thus, three months later, she was born. Alongside with two other siblings Zoey and Archer. She grew up without a father figure, but was happy with her life nonetheless. Each day is warm and filled with love. But a year would pass when the farmer would pass from old age, leaving the land without an owner. It would take a couple days for authorities to arrive. Though, all relatives that knew of the situation could not take the farmers four dogs, so they were sent away into the city shelter. Confused and scared, her family had no idea what was happening nor the situation they were in. While in the drive over to the pound, her brother Archer who was always the smartest and bravest of the bunch, was hatching a plan for all of them to escape. They all agreed. Once the pound’s car doors were open, all four bolted forward, causing the workers to panic and attempt to subdue them. Unfortunately, her mother Bailey and sister Zoey were caught. Archer and Amara continued to run until they realized they were gone. For weeks they spent waiting outside the pound’s area attempting to find a way or hopes they’d come out… But nothing.

Eventually the pair had to find food, they were starving and tired. They pressed into the city, the world forgein and terrifying, unsure where to turn. They’d dodge cars, and avoid humans. Occasionally they’d get lucky from a couple kind strangers here and there, but most dogs around here were vicious and cruel. One night, they were searching for a place to stay when they came across a gang of territorial dogs, chasing them and cornering them into an alley, one had attempted to lunge at Amara but Archer quickly intervened, fighting tooth and nail. He held them off for a while but he was only one dog, she watched him get mauled helpless and scared to do anything. The noise had awakened some humans nearby, alerting the pound of their location. When they arrived they quickly dispersed the fighting dogs, but Archer could not be saved, and Amara was dragged away into the pound. But since months had passed since she saw her mother and sister, they were nowhere to be seen in the pound when she arrived. When she asked of their names, many said they had not heard of them, and that it was most likely they were put down.

She gasped in shock, confused on why anyone would want to kill them. She cried for many nights, eventually losing her spirit and hope in that cage…. Awaiting the same fate.One day, a pair of humans came visiting, a woman and child. They caught the attention of Amara, seemingly choosing her for adoption. Thinking this was a blessing in disguise, she was happy to go, throughout the entire car ride she was excited for her new home. The family lived in a wooded area, they were a nuclear family with a sweet little girl. For a while everything seemed okay, but she started to notice the father’s aggressive behavior. Often shouting and throwing things. For a long time she merely avoided him and comforted the child when she’d hide afraid. But one day he had attempted to hit the girl, activating Amaras maternal instinct and lashing out to bite him. He was furious and yanked her outside, grabbing his shotgun and aiming at her to put her down while the daughter pleaded for mercy. Knowing what the strange object was she gasped and ran, dodging the bullets just by a hair and escaping deep into the woods.For a while she attempted to sneak by, but the father was always heavily guarding the area, smoking his cigarettes and shotgun by his side. A week would pass before she gave up hope and ventured deep into the woods. Traveling aimlessly without a goal or idea in mind. Three more weeks would pass when suddenly she came across an ominous building in the woods. Completely fatigued, she had no energy left to fight as two large dogs chained her and dragged her inside. While not insane, a part of her spirit is broken and has come to terms in the situation she’s in. Just doing her best to survive the days in this weird place. Hopefully good will finally come of this… Right?



Open fields
The Sun
Singing and humming
The smell of wheat and barley
Kind Strangers


The Dark
Being Alone
Most humans
Small enclosed places


--> Other Notes of Interest

Habits: She has a habit of licking her paws when distressed and picking at them until sore. She hasn't been the best at finding better coping methods, it was a strange habit she developed as a pup.

Frequents: TBAAA.

Vices: TBAA.



Amara, Ama






22 inches"


55 lbs


1.5 Years Old


A beautiful farm




Lawful Good





Additional Portrait

See Attached File

code by Pepperly