


3 years, 10 months ago



Behold, Ronan! A hella toxic, semi psychotic lad. He may or may not be in a corrupt worshipping cult that sacrifices ponies and vespers to t h e m but that’s not important. He’s quite the cocky bastard cuz he’s an absolute hottie and he knows it. He’s a whole ass though but tries to play some of his assness as jokes or “the ruder he is to you, the more he likes you.” Which is half true.

Ronan also really loves his knife too and protects it like it’s his child. He hand crafted it and if anyone touches it without permission, ohhh they better start running. He does enjoy making knives in his free time and selling them when he’s not being a psychotic lunatic.

Speaking of which, he has these moments where he just goes insane for a few moments or longer depending on what is happening around him. These mostly happen during.. certain activities and when beating up vespers. These range from insane tangents to just laughter. Not sure which is scarier though. He can snap back at times when he chooses but sometimes he can get real into it and will need someone to bring him back. Overall though, insane lad has some slight good in him. Not much though.

So Ronan was always a disturbed vesper, even as a kit. He would ‘hunt’ birds, mice, squirrels, basically whatever he could catch. He was also into knives making during this time so he would test how sharp these knives were by stabbing the animals and seeing how much the knife wounds them, how quickly the die, etc. and then adjust the sharpness of the knife or whatever. He also would stake them to a tree and just watch the decay or see if anything would come and eat it. This actually caused him to see his first corrupt when he moved his ‘experiment’ further out when he was a teenage because “it was making some vespers uncomfortable” and “bringing wolves too close to the clan.” So he moved his bigger catches further into the forest and was while watching for predators in a tree, he was met with a corrupt eating from the pile. He became fascinated with the decay and the power behind them. His fascination only grew from there. But yeah. More about Ronan