Asher Sault



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Monster of the Week: BPRD






The Flake


unhealthy parasocial relationships


[Fun fact: I lost this bio mid-write not once but twice, so clearly the government is trying to hide this information]

Growing up in a quiet, rural Maryland community with a conservative family was rough for a queer kid like Asher--especially after the incident. The harder Asher pushed for answers about that strange night, with the lights and the silver craft and the shadowy figures...the harder their parents shut them down. Desperate for both the truth and a sense of belonging, Asher did what any kid in their position with an internet connection would, and turned to the web for refuge. Online, they found countless stories like their own, entire communities built around shared paranormal experiences and whole fields of study dedicated to understanding them. While in their day-to-day Asher remained the weirdly intense closeted kid with no friends or normal childhood hobbies, online they could craft their persona as they wished, and spend their time debating the merits of MUFON vs. CSETI, chatting with that Pentagon employee pushing for disclosure, and squinting at blurry videos of the sky.

And so it wasn't that much of a stretch for Asher to wind up the quintessential mid-'10s tumblrite. Amidst their rambling posts about the effects of Communion on modern ufology are sprinkled rebloggable spells, outfits-of-the-day, and #kinfeels. One might be tempted not to take anything Asher says seriously, but they have damning evidence of the paranormal, and its coverups, that few others in the conspiracy community can boast about: they work for the BPRD.

In fact, it was their relentless digging for the truth that landed them the position, and though they're about as low-level an agent as you can get, Asher still gets to work on missions--real missions!-- with non-human entities--real non-humans!--and, if they're not careful, they might even end up having to help save the world from complete annihilation.