
9 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




3,500 approx.


7'5-8' tends to fluctuate


370 lbs


risen demon




A demon of pride, Denari will never step down from a challenge, and every situation is a chance to boost his ever growing ego. If he fails he tends to go off on his own for a year or so to tend to his wounded ego. Denari is very flirty and confident, when he believes another person has interest in him he's usually quite forward. He can come off as abrasive for this, but if the other party is uninterested he's quick to disengage and won't pursue anything. Denari is incredibly self conscious of his alternate (and technically true) form and will only show it to those he trusts or if absolutely necessary. Before becoming a risen demon Denari envied draconics for their flight. While he could shapeshift, he could never perfect having flight whilst having forearms. When he became risen the subgod giving him his power thought it a cruel joke to give him 'skinned wings.' Along with this he is incapable of shapeshifting the arms on his back into wings, and while the digits and arms can stretch out into a rough skeleton of wings, that's as far as it really goes. His distate for this has faded somewhat over the years, but still surfaces from time to time. Denari is physically very strong, though not particularly great at fighting. He's proficient in verdant and electrical magics, and has some skill with arcane and fire as well. Most of these are used just around his home however, and the large garden that he maintains. For the past few centuries he's lived with Squish around the edge of a small town, steadily growing a garden that could be mistaken for a small glade, and working at the bar and small brewery that Squish owns when he's not being a flirty ass and trying to sleep with people in town at any other pub. Squish keeps him in line usually and forces him to deal with the problems that he causes for himself. While living with her, Denari generally does a lot of cooking, a large portion of his garden is for vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc, and he's found himself frequently trying new recipes with them. This is probably one of the main reasons Squish puts up with his bullshit. Immortality does not save Denari from harm, and he can be incapacitated with relative ease due to overconfidence in skills he absolutely does not have.