[$25] Guide



7 years, 4 months ago


  • G U I D E

  • tumblr_nbc1wtTPn11txp8kjo1_500.jpg
  • age???
  • gender None
  • race Ghost goat
  • role Guide
  • theme

Life • death • renewal

Guide shows the way to the afterlife to souls it runs across who have lost their way. Guide does not speak, but is a good listener. Lost souls, while unsure of it at first, find themselves confessing their insecurities, their darkest secrets, their dashed hopes and dreams to Guide. No one is around to explain why they willingly follow this creature or where it leads them. No one is around to explain why they feel a strong urge to talk to something that gives no response back. 

No matter how stubborn the soul, they always turn to their humble Guide to lead the way to where they should go.

Only the lost souls of the dead can see Guide.

No one knows where Guide takes them, just that it takes them to an afterlife once a soul has found peace in it's life's story and confession during their journey with Guide.

Physical Appearance:

-Guide's skull is of a goat and it has long floppy goat ears. Guide's body is described to be soul like and that of purple waves. It is slightly transparent and gas like aside from it's skull and hooves.

 "Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it." 

height ???

build ???

pronouns it/its

s.o. ???

dob ???

sign ???

origin ???

occupation Guide

mbti ???

demeanor ???


  • ???


  • ???

Nothing about Guide is known to the living or the dead.


HTML by lowkeywicked