Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Putting this note up here 'cos I'm too lazy to edit the HTML right now. If you're here to look at my OCs, please give this character a bit of attention!! I'd really appreciate it. ^^'

Read Me
General Warnings
  • Some of my content may have angsty themes, bright or flashing colors/eyestrain, aesthetic blood or gore, or other triggering themes. All of my potentially upsetting content will be marked as such. Browse at your own risk.
  • I use vulgar language (not slurs, though) and I do not mark profanity with a warning. Keep this in mind if you are sensitive to swearing, and if you'd prefer that I don't use profanity when speaking to you, ask me on my profile or in private messages and I'll try my best to respect your wishes.
  • Several of my characters may have frightening themes that exist as a result of my obsession with psychological horror. If you are bothered by Lovecraftian themes or the Shath'yar/Old Gods and the Void from World of Warcraft, I strongly suggest you turn back now.
  • Please read my Terms of Service (still working on it currently) if you plan on commissioning me or adopting any of my designs.
  • Do not beg me or harass me for art, designs, etc. or you will be blocked, blacklisted, and reported.
  • Unless my characters are in my adopts folder or have a tag suggesting they can be transferred, do not offer on my characters or add them to dreamies folders unless you want to lose a finger or potentially an entire limb (I'm kidding about the losing a limb thing, but seriously, don't do this). I am very protective of my OCs and offering on my babies is a great way to piss me off.
  • If you use any slurs around me (r-slur, n-slur, f-slur, etc.) I will block you.
  • Please don't publicly kin my characters unless I mark them as characters that can be publicly kinned. It's fine if you do it in private, but otherwise please don't do this. Don't roleplay as/with my characters without asking me first, either.
  • It's perfectly fine if you colorpick my OCs! I don't own colors, and I find it kind of flattering when people like my OCs so much they want to use the same colors.
  • You can take inspiration from my OCs! As long as it's not too heavy, I'm actually happy to have my OCs be inspiration to someone else. :)
  • Mass-favoriting and drawing my characters is allowed, much appreciated, and encouraged! However, please do not draw my OCs eating or doing something memey unless I say otherwise; it makes me very uncomfortable.
  • Please don't talk to me about my codes. I put a lot of thought into my characters and it makes me kind of sad when my codes get a lot of attention but nobody looks at any of my OCs. I'm continuing to make them because I enjoy programming and I like being able to help others, but I don't wanna talk about them. Please look at my OCs instead, it means a lot to me when someone likes my characters.
  • I am very neurodivergent (Autism Spectrum Disorder/ASD/Aspergers, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder/ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/OCD, Bipolar Disorder/BPD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder/GAD, depression) so please keep this in mind when interacting with me.
  • Please do not show me any NSFW or kink/fettish/sexual content. I am a minor. I'm also sensitive to blood/gore, especially if it's realistic (that's why most of my art with blood has aesthetic blood).
  • I only speak English and Shath'yar, and Shath'yar isn't even a real language (it's from World of Warcraft). I can also fluently read and translate Wingdings font. If you speak to me, please use English if you are able to. If you can't speak English, I will use a translator to speak your language, but please know that my translator won't be perfect.
  • I am a proud furry who loves neon themes, and you can't do anything to change that.
  • Instead of sorting my OCs with folders like Mains/Sonas/Primary/Secondary/Etc., I sort them with folders based on my lore and the structure of my worlds.
  • I'm currently in the middle of reorganizing my entire TH, so everything's a bit of a mess now, apologies.
  • The usual things (pedophile/zoophile or supporter of these, homophobia/transphobic/LGBTQphobic/TERF/SWERF, disrespect/ignore other people's triggers,), or if you are anti-furry, commonly fakeclaim people with disabilities, or absolutely cannot go without bringing up politics. And if you're transphobic, get the fuck off my page, I want nothing to do with you.
  • If you're on my blacklist.

Everyone will be held responsible for their own actions. If you decide to skip reading this warning, and you end up doing something that gets you blocked or blacklisted, that's on you.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

I love this guy sm /gen

If you offer on him that's a good way to lose a limb /j

Seriously though, don't offer on him or add him to a dreamies folder. He is forever homed <333 /srs

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