
4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Former names

Softpaw, Fluffy






Medicine cat




Long furred yellow tom with green eyes. He is also declawed


Insecure, self-conscious, caring, eager, friendly


Softclaw was born as a kittypet named Fluffy.  He was adopted as a kitten by an elderly woman who wanted some company.  She also got him declawed at a young age.  Despite this, Fluffy loved his owner and grew very attached to her.  Fluffy also loved to hang out in his owner's garden in the backyard, which instilled a love of plants into him.  Unfortunately, his owner died of old age when he was about two years old.  None of her relatives wanted to take him in, so Fluffy was left homeless.  He wandered around for a long time looking for someone to take him in.  He eventually made his way to a farm and befriended a farmer and several barn cats.  He lived in the barn with his new friends for several months.  

Things changed again, however, when by chance he met Orangeflower, the Prairieclan medicine cat who lived in the prairie fields near the farm.  He met her while she was looking for herbs.  Fluffy knew of a few plants that she was looking for around the farm, and showed her.  Orangeflower was surprised and (and a little impressed) that he had some knowledge.  While talking to Fluffy, Orangeflower realized that he had a real love for plants (like her).  Fluffy also expressed interest in learning how to heal after she told him what she would be doing with the herbs.  After their initial meeting, Orangeflower returned to barn multiple times to teach Fluffy the basics of healing.  Fluffy proved to be a natural, and Orangeflower was convinced that this was a sign from Starclan he should become her apprentice.  Orangeflower is a very old cat and was desperate for an apprentice to pass on her knowledge.  None of the current apprentices in Prairieclan were interested in the role, and Orangeflower did not want to force them into an occupation they didn't want.  After asking Fluffy, he initially declined, revealing that he doesn't have any claws and wouldn't be able to survive in the wild.  Orangeflower is still desperate, however, and eventually convinces him to join.  He is accepted into the clan by the leader Leapstar, who gives him the new name Softpaw.

The clan cats in my version are a little more accepting of outsiders than the canon books are (border skirmishes often become very violent so the clans need as many cats as they can get).  However, Softpaw is a bit more at odds with his clanmates due to him formerly being a kittypet and with him openly admitting that he liked his former life (Orangeflower decided to keep the fact that he was declawed a secret, so he got no grief from that).  His clanmates also had doubts that he would be a good medicine cat since he has no ancestors in Starclan.  Softpaw took a lot of these insults to heart.  He was great with herbs and loved learning how to heal, but he struggled with making any sort of connection to Starclan.  Orangeflower taught him about looking for signs (in dreams, in the environment, in gut feelings, etc.) and tried to reassure him that even though Starclan often doesn't seem like they are there, that they are always there to guide them (even outsiders like him).  Softpaw struggled with seeing any sort of signs though, and that (along with his clanmates' insults) made him have doubts that he could ever be completely accepted as a medicine cat.  He also had doubts about whether Starclan even existed or not (he wanted to believe that they existed though, since that gave him hope that he would be able to see his owner again one day).  

Despite the hostility that many of his clanmates gave him, Softpaw made friends in the clan aside from Orangeflower.  He first befriends the warrior apprentices, Rookpaw, Prairiepaw, and Juniperpaw.  Leapstar and his mate Leopardcloud (Rookpaw and Prairiepaw's parents) are also very friendly with him.  Softpaw also starts getting along with the elders Robinspeck, Grasshollow, and Fieldfur (Softpaw has a thing for befriending the elderly).  He also made some friends with cats outside Prairieclan, particularily Deadpaw (the Rockyclan medicine cat apprentice), and Pebbleskip (one of the Bayouclan medicine cats).