In-Su Park (X Machina)



4 years, 3 months ago



Name: In-Su Park

Birthday: July 2nd

Age: 27 yrs

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Sexuality: Greysexual

Nationality: Korean American

Blood Type: O

Hero Stats

Hero Name: X Machina

Quirk: Augmentation - In-Su can absorb technological devices and use them as an extension of his body. He can move pieces of these objects on command (ex: if an item had a bunch of cables, they could behave as whips) and smart devices and controllers can be used with conscious thought-- for example, sending a tweet or remote controlling a drone with only thoughts as long as he's absorbed a smart phone or a remote control. He can also use absorbed machines as a sort of armor or bludgeon. In-Su can expel items from his body on will.


  • Any absorbed item must have an electrical aspect to be used-- for example, a taser would work fine, however most guns would not as they have no circuitry. Electricity facilitates the absorption.
  • The object uses his energy as a power source-- but, he can replenish his energy levels by absorbing batteries.
  • Objects have to share a power source-- so for example, using a taser frequently would fluctuate his power and cause an absorbed phone to stop working temporarily.
  • The item must also be able to have its circuits mostly absorbed into his arms or body-- an electric car would not fit, for example, nor an ATM machine (he can't stick his arm into a machine and control it, he must stick the machine into himself and control it)

Primary Course Focus: Pro Hero


Personality: In-Su is embarrassed by being perceived as soft or caring, but he is strongly protective (possessive?) of the individuals he invests in. He has a tendency to swagger and act both condescending and brutal, but despite this he actually has a very low ego and passes off most criticisms because he doesn't care. His asshole behavior is most often used to make others look good in comparison to himself-- essentially acting as a heel to highlight the better aspects of other people. In-Su easily becomes attached to people who are struggling-- that is, they are at a disadvantage but are trying their best in spite of that.

In-Su has a lot of mixed feelings in regards to reputation-- on the one hand, reputation is something to be cultivated and can be very telling of a person's character. On the other hand, the public is brutal and reputation doesn't always reflect a person's true nature. In-Su isn't one to hold onto grudges-- he actually likes being proven wrong, and will forgive and forget quite easily.

Although he is capable of problem solving, he sometimes flusters under pressure or an audience and prefers to handle issues with straightforward brute strength when possible.

Likes: mischief, stubborness, teasing others, salty food, maintaining machines

Dislikes: pride, public opinion, humid weather, passive people/people pleasers

History: In-Su's mother was a hero who fell into public disgrace due to being unable to prevent a tragic accident. She met his father during this time, and joined his villainous efforts in a vengeance against society. In-Su's mother and father employed their abilities in hacking and enforcement for shadier groups, and growing up In-Su and his brother enjoyed a lot of wealth but not much emotional support. The family moved often across the states, and In-Su and his brother Seong-Su had difficulties making friends and putting down roots or a support system. When the two brothers had a reasonable control over their quirks, they were trained and asked to use their abilities to assist in their parent's jobs-- In-Su accompanying his mother and Seong-Su assisting their father.

In-Su's parents had always framed their work as being heroic-- that they were the good guys, punishing corrupt and wealthy businessmen or undeserving people. When In-Su was 10, he witnessed his mother killing in cold blood, and all illusions shattered. He knew what their parents were, and that what they were doing was wrong. Still, he was afraid of what would happen to him and his brother if both their parents went to jail. He didn't know any of their extended family, and didn't want himself and his brother to be potentially split up through foster care or adoption. He kept his head down until he turned 18, focusing on training and studying, then fled with his brother and reported his parents to the police. His mother was caught, and his father vanished.

Thanks to government assistance, In-Su was able to stay on his feet and support his brother. He got a job and a small apartment, and after saving for a few years, applied to Schuyler to pursue a career as a pro hero. The media painted this all in a lovely light-- 'son of villains rises above his roots in the name of justice,' but he remained cynical through it all... He knew of his mother's history, and was also keenly aware of how his story could be twisted to make him seem untrusting and traitorous.


2019 Aesclepius Attack

After the attack, In-Su promptly got his hero license along with Shylock, graduated Schuyler, and moved far away-- all the way to the other side of the country, to Portland. He intended to have Sunny attend school on the west coast-- even California would have been preferable-- but Sunny insisted on returning to Schuyler where his brother graduated. In-Su visits Boston about once a month, now.



Mother's Quirk: Metal Skin

Father's Quirk: Computer Virus

Brother's Quirk: Ghost in the Shell

Support Items

Battery Indicator - a meter which can estimate the level of energy in his body, kept on his hidden hand to prevent an enemy from reading it easily.