Villiam (SHIP MEME)



Basic info

Age 26
Gender Female
S.O. Pansexual
DoB December 25
Sign Capricorn
Height 170cm

Feelings towards Villiam













Current relationship


Desired relationship




Vill and Olivia are a very open and energetic couple. They have different personalities, interests and hobbies but they still love spending time together and learn about each other. They started as friends with benefits relationship but eventually decided to stay loyal to each other. Most of the time they share one braincell and go to parties together.

Kungs - Lipstick

Even if we started as friends with benefits, I feel like we have a strong bond anyway. I can't just not love this dork and his stupid jokes and his hyperactive ass that's always all over the place! If I have to spend the whole life with somebody, Vill is my perfect soulmate.

Hot, damn.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

First meeting

Vill and Olivia met through their common friends. Vill is a waiter at a local restaurant, while Olivia just came back from her studies in China. She decided to meet her old friends at a restaurant, it happened that they went to the place where Villiam is working. She learned that Vill is a very open person in terms of sexual activities, so she decided to give him her number.

Their beginnings were mostly based on hanging out from time to time and having sex regularly. They were going out to clubs to have fun and look for more bed partners, mostly for Vill who didn't mind having mutliple sexual partners at the sam time. Unfortunately for her, Olivia started to develop feelings, while Vill was completely clueless.

She continued to hide her feelings from him, but she started to be more and more tired of it.


I saw this hot man and just had to shoot my shot. It was worth coming back from China just to meet you.


Man, I can't believe how blind i was back then. But I guess I was blinded by how hot you are, damn.

Chinese New Year

Vill and Olivia don't have many things in common at first sight, but the thing that connects them the most is the fact that they both have terrible families. Christmas time is the worst time of the year, they both hate meeting their families so they decided to leave to China for Christmas and New Years. This was Vills first time abroad.

They spent most of the time sightseeing and hanging out with Olivias friends from China. They both were very happy that they decided to travel together, Vill could learn about new culture, and Olivia could share her knowledge with someone she adores. They had a great time together eating local foods, going to parties and sightseeing.

During Chinese New Years they all got drunk and went to sleep tired and drunk. When Vill and Olivia were unable to fall asleep, Olivia felt like confessing to Vill, which he didn't realize at first, thinking she is joking. Only after some talking and crying, he realized she isn't joking, he wasn't sure about his feelings but he decided to accept her confession and carry on as an official couple without other sexual partners on the side.


It was so nice to come back to China! And come back to Hungary with you as my boyfriend, of course.~


This trip was so fun! Even though I don't really remember your confession, I was drunk like a pig.


Both Olivia and Vill loved to get drunk while partying, sitting with their friends or just simply together at home. It was their way to spend the time and have fun, and no one had anything against it as long as they knew their limits. The problem is, Vill didn't. The longer they were a couple, the more it became a problem, but he didn't see anything wrong with his behavior. He always brushed it off.

When one day they went out for drinks and Vill got drunk to the point of not being able to come back home on his own legs, Olivia have had enough. After bringing him home with a help of their friend she decided to give him an ultimatum. As he woke up in the morning she told him to seek help and go to rehab or she won't come back home, and quickly left. A few long days have passed before Vill reluctantly agreed to the terms and apologized.

Now, Vill does his best to stay sober and Olivia supports him with that, drinking less and less herself. She's proud of how much progress he has done and often comments on that to make sure he stays motivated and, of course, knows that he is loved.


You're so stubborn on so many wrong things sometimes, but I'm glad you finally listened. It was for the better and I can clearly see how much progress you have made.


I don't believe how stupid i used to be... I'm so sorry I embarassed the two of us and I promise it will never happen again.


  • They own a cat named Ramzes and two rats - Luke and Leia.
  • They're travelling everywhere on Villiams motorbike.
  • Olivia loves to hold hands while they go down on each other.
  • They hardly ever visit their families for events and holidays and decide how they want to celebrate those themselves.

Basic info

Age 25
Gender Male
S.O. Bisexual
DoB July 20
Sign Cancer
Height 178 cm

Feelings towards Olivia













Current relationship


Desired relationship
