Quincey "Q"



3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Quincy

Age: 12.7

Introduced: 8.25.2019

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 140 lbs

Gender: Male

Race: Wastelander Thiesian Human

Born in a fortress constructed from the ruins of a city in Thies, slightly south of the Darkspawn Site A and north of the ruined Thies Labs. He was born in the Spring of 200AE, but Wastelanders didn’t record or follow months and days. Instead children were recorded on occasion with the season and year. 

He was cared for by random women until he was able to walk and be weaned, and then placed with a group of similarly aged children to primarily fend for themselves. The children were contained in a section of the fortress and taught unofficially to fight for their food and favorite spots in their section. Most children died from injuries, starvation, or illness before they reached the age of 8. Those that survived were removed from the section and then utilized by the older members of the Wastelander groups as a sort of apprentices. 

The youths would clean and carry weapons, supplies, hauls and prepare drinks and food for the adults who were their superiors. Those who did well would eventually be taken to more dangerous activities, even if they had no skill in fighting. Many were killed in crossfire between skirmishes among other peoples and even darkspawn, the children having to learn when to flee for their lives and later risk punishment, or outright die. 

In his 8th year of life, Q was sent with a raiding group into the Darkspawn Nest. Many of the raiders intended to slaughter darkspawn and raid the ruins and bodies of the darkspawn victims, but a particularly strong darkspawn was at the site, killing the majority. Q should have died, but he had recently learned of the God of Monsters, known as the Protector to the Reapers. During the massacre, Q somehow managed to survive and escape, leaving injured by himself. He later returned to the fortress, informing the leaders there of the fate of his group. 

He was punished by having his ears cut for abandoning his group, but was later assigned to several other groups. Most of them shared the same fate of death in one way or another, but oddly the child still managed to survive. Q began to claim that the Protector was keeping him alive, even after the torture and punishments inflicted by his own kin. He became more adamant and voiced the Protector's powers, and one day while the group was raiding a settlement, a darkspawn appeared and attacked the group. At the time, an attack by the monster should have killed the child, but he seemed shielded by the assault, and a shadowy version of the Protector manifested to instead devour the darkspawn. Seeing the shape of the god in front of them, the Reapers couldn't claim the child simply was a coward, and instead welcomed him into a group of shamans who communed with the gods they followed. 

Q was too young to properly do magic or participate in the rituals, but was respected as a vessel of the god. He then spent the rest of the year apprenticed to the shamans, making a friend for once in one of the older mentors, a woman he considered a sibling to him. Unfortunately his newfound love for this person was short lived as she was killed acting as bait for a raid.

The following year, Q had separated from the main group of Reapers, going off to wander the fortress. He’d caught a lizard and tried to do the communal ritual to speak with the gods, but he only worshipped one of the three of the Reapers. Gutting the lizard over a stone, he’d sat down in a secluded place in the fortress, praying and speaking his thoughts on the past, there he once more saw the shadowy form of the god on the wall across from him. He found pride that he could call his god and speak to him, and soon fashioned a mask of the being.

The following year, a group of the Reaper shamans traveled to Darkspawn Site B, hoping to offer bodies of darkspawn in a ritual. They were accompanied by some of the younger warriors of the tribe, most between 11-18, and Q made a friend with a girl a year his senior. She happened to be assigned as one of his several guards so he was in close contact with her, she showed him some simple skills as both of them were still young. Q and the girl made a pact to protect one another, but the day of the ritual, the vessel of Verog disappeared. 

He ended up in the forests of Crow’s Point, transported to the isles via the meddling of the god Esyrin. There he made a shrine to his god, confirming his connection still existed, but bewildered of the strange lands. He was soon captured by the citizens of the town, and later put in the care of Ovata Simaeti. There he told her his name and a bit on the protector, but not much else. 

In the year in her care, she taught him as best she could the basics of common, as well as some farm work. He learned some of the customs of the people there, and in Winter 211 AE, the shrine he’d constructed for the god was destroyed and Verog was called to the location by a shadow-being. A group of people had discovered the ‘monster’ and gone to hunt it, but later Q confirmed the ‘dead’ body was that of his god. Q then relayed the words of the god to the group before the god vanished. 

Later Q met with the god after sneaking into the forests, given a boon as a vessel of the God, though he’s yet to use the gift of the God, nor share it with anyone. 


He's good at praising and being a fanatic for Verog.[br]

Killing small animals and making weird shrines.[br]

Apparently he can also make really nice masks.[br]

Being extremely creepy.[br]

Wielding sharp objects and being concerningly threatening even though he can’t fight for shit.[br]

Eating enough food for three grown adult men, by himself.[br]


Doing anything productive.[br]

Being a normal child.[br]

Talking normally.[br]

Bathing and staying clean.[br]


tldr description

  • The kid had several scars, a large one from his left shoulder and across the front of his chest, from some injury likely, as well as on both legs. One of which looks to be an injury from an animal. There was also a mark like a letter on his left shoulder. He had a strange appearance. His ears a bit out from his head, the ends of which appeared cut to resemble more pointed ones. He also had patches of hair missing from the right side and overall it was short and choppy. The left side had a few small braids. It was dark, almsot black colored and of course his hair was greasy. His eyes were a full green. As for the rest of his face the kid had crooked teeth, some of which could be seen even when his mouth was closed and a scar on his right lip and up his cheek which originated where a tooth was missing. There were a few bleeding cuts on his brow and lip, and the kids right eye looked a bit bruised. He was scowling like an animal at Tev. And the few canine teeth he had did not look like they belonged, some manner of implants. He was pretty pale and with dark smudges of perhaps grease or blood under his eyes which gave them a hooded look. It wasn't obvious if the boy had eyebrows either Here's the descrip i pulled from the past rp

  • Q is the letter on his shoulder