Ira Descent



3 years, 9 months ago


Ira is a Faeborn from a group that lived in the grasslands of a prairie. She is the middle child with an older sister and younger brother. Her mother is a seamstress, which is where Ira learned her trade. Ira’s father is an adventurer who would constantly bring back tales of his exploits to his family, although he went missing when Ira was an adolescent. Currently, she is 128 and has been living away from her family for some decades. Part of her motivation for leaving was to figure out what happened to her father, but not entirely. Ira wants to see the many things the world has to offer and live the adventurous life her father once told her about. She still has a lot of hurt regarding her father’s disappearance as he was the one who taught her to read magic and fight with a staff. Now after her adventures have progressed, she has come to an understanding that sometimes, even if you want to, you don't always come back from an adventure. 

During her travels Ira picked up a few skills such as the ability to cast magic and basic healing skills. Eventually Ira discovered a bluejaykyn, Skreek, as a screaming child, covered in the blood of her dead parents. Ira was a bit uncertain as of what to do, but she took Skreek along with her, raising Skreek as her younger sister. The two eventually found a lost fishkin named Eliza and continued their journey. The group eventually joined up with the Quintary Caravan where Ira worked as a guard. Although Ira is fond of all the Quintary, she considers only Eliza and Skreek to be her family while they’re off traveling the lands. 

Eventually the caravan arrived in Haven, a small town plagued with troubles on the Shard of Rumeria. They fought a deathknight (a lich but more combat oriented) the first Gathering they attended and then continued coming back to help their newfound friends to free the Shard of the Blight, a necromantic force slowly corrupting and taking over Rumeria. Ira, Skreek, and Leto (another friend) eventually offered themselves as ritual sacrifices to seal away the Blight. Thus, Ira experienced her first death.

Since then Ira has been taken in as a pupil of the Stone Elf named Daxter and grown in power. She also became one of five chosen guardians of It That Watches, an Eldritch force that oversees the safety of the shard. 

Further references of the LARP cosplay can be found here.