


7 years, 2 months ago



thoughtful . intuitive . soft spoken

gender female
age 108
sign libra
height 5'9
build curvy, little chubby
race forest nymph
role nature whisperer
mbti infp
theme song link

find me among the flora and fauna

amaryllis spends all her time in the forest. she loves adorning herself in flowers and other small plants that give their consent to be with her, as she can keep them alive for a while after being plucked. the bare earth between her toes is a comforting feeling, the wind brushing her face calms her, and the smells of nature are a welcoming event every morning. her eyes change with the seasons - green in spring, yellow in summer, hazel in autumn, brown in winter.

occasionally amaryllis can be found admiring people's gardens, but that's as close to the city as she gets. if she finds someone she's interested in she will meet them along the edge of the forest but will politely refuse any invitations to densely populated areas. she blushes easily and finds beauty in every woman she sees. she fawns over her girlfriend lusha, spending as much time on her as she allows. poetry is one of her favorite pastimes and poetry books are one of the few "civilized" items she keeps.

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