Jet Black Hotel Mirror



3 years, 8 months ago


Jet Black Hotel Mirror

"I'm not looking to escape my darkness, I'm learning to love myself there." - Rune Lazuli

Jet Black Hotel Mirror, also known as Mirror was born in an abandoned city. His mom died in birthing him and his father ran. They keep a piece of them around their neck, and when that piece is plugged into its slot, they transform into a monsterous beast. Their monster form is highly volatile and may appear different each time. When in their monster form, their mouth stitches pop, revealing two sewing needle 'whiskers' from inside their mouth used as fangs. Most of their markings resemble barbed wire. Their only friend died from a parasitic infestation that raged over the rest of the abandoned city and spared few. Mirror was born with the so called 'Murder Gene'. It's scientific name is MAOA, and it breaks down brain chemicals that signal different emotions to the brain, such as the happy chemical dopamine. This affects Mirror's ability to empathize and feel certain emotions strongly, resulting in him developing a sociopath mindset along with living most of his life in solitude. He resides in an abandoned hotel room.