


9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info






Definitely over 1,000 human years old. An eternal creature.


Dry and husky


A very strange and beautiful Urdaagi, Maelyss was once a crowning hero, a star amongst her kind. She was known throughout the land for her extremely powerful skills in restoration and healing. Creatures would come from far and wide to seek her out in her tower to beg for her help to heal loved ones. She loved the stardom and fame she got just from healing a few wounds or curing a few illnesses, but she never actually enjoyed it- she never really wanted to help these people. She only did it for the fame, and was very stuck up and egotistical about her place in the spotlight.
However, when rumors of another Urdaagi with remarkable powers, named Abenaki, started cropping up, Maelyss’ customers started going to her instead. While Abenaki’s healing powers were not as good, she was highly skilled in illusion spells, and was able to actually remove unwanted memories or thoughts from her customers.
So, while Maelyss could cure physical wounds, Abenaki could remove mental ones. Over time, more and more people started going to Abenaki instead, as they found unwanted memories more painful than actual wounds. Maelyss was rather annoyed with this loss of business, and even sought Abenaki out to challenge her. However, when she got there, Abenaki was less than welcoming, telling Maelyss she was just too old fashioned, and that anyone could learn how to cure wounds in this day, as well as turning down her challenge as being ‘not worth the time’.
After hearing that, Maelyss was absolutely furious, and spent a very long time brooding in her tower; about her loss of business, and her apparent lack of skill.

Many, many years passed, and customers eventually forgot about Maelyss altogether. Now Abenaki was the go-to Urdaagi, and a popular name in conversation.
Maelyss is now a husk of the greatness that once was, without customers or fame, she began to dabble in dark magic. Her once powerful healing spells are now used to revive the dead. She is able to raise countless creatures from beyond the grave; recently dead, rotting corpses and even skeletons. She has even created a technique of joining dead pieces of different creatures together, and reviving it to make her own grotesque creation.
She’s rather delusional now, desperate to find her place in the world. Her memory isn’t too good now, but she does remember how much she despises Abenaki. She wants nothing more than to use her necromantic  powers to destroy her, and return to her seat in the spotlight.

The chains draped around her body are an enchanted item which boosts her necromantic powers. She ‘obtained’ these from a dark and mysterious tower she was exploring, where they were being used to chain up a powerful dark wizard, who was now deceased in his chains.