


7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Ridley Ramirez




Spotted Skunk


Anything goes

Relationship Status



Likes: Guns, alcohol, traveling, preening himself, attention, money.
Dislikes: Sitting still, focusing too much, authority, being teased.


Ridley might have completely bombed academically but that doesn't mean he's not smart as hell, he's as sly as a fox and that's partially the reason he's so good at his job. His wiley ways get him out of many a dangerous situation and he's a good resource to have around. Ridley can easily cheat and lie others out of their beloved possessions and he's definitely not above doing so. Ridley is cunning and deceitful and if you're not close to him it's probably best not to trust him.

However, on the flip side, if you are close to him, he's loyal until death. Make a friend of him and he'll stick by you forever, Ridley is always ready to jump to help those close to him and will tend to go out of his way to try and fix their problems. It shows a softer side to him that those outside of his social circle might not see very often. If you don't mean anything to him, he'll likely be totally indifferent to your suffering.

He's brave as hell and there isn't all that much that can shake him, however his bravery overlaps into sheer recklessness and because of this he continously manages to rope those around him into dangerous situations that they may otherwise, not have been involved in. He never really thinks about the consequences of his actions until nothing can prevent them from taking effect.

Ridley's impulsiveness is both a bad trait, he thinks quickly and doesn't take time over making decisions, this is great in high pressure situations. But on the other hand, at times needing a little more careful planning, this impulsiveness can often get him into trouble and turn things awry. He's a bit of a gamble, but when things go right with him, they go oh so right.

He is streetwise, he knows what he's doing and he knows who to stay away from. Ridley has spent most of his life hanging around the streets and trying (not so hard) to keep himself out of trouble. He's rarely found without a weapon, and is usually concealing at least a gun and a switchblade. He's an incredible shot when he's focused.

Ridley is cocky and arrogant, he has far too much self confidence and can often come across incredibly egotistical, and calling him egotistical probably wouldn't be too far off the mark. He trusts heavily in his own abilities, sometimes too much so.

He's also wildly firtatious, he knows what he likes when he sees it and won't cease in his attempts to seduce them. Ridley has that bad boy type exterior that's appealing to so many, and he knows how to use this to get his way. What he really needs is a firm hand to keep him in check, but good luck trying, he's a loose cannon.

Ridley has a short fuse, he's quick to anger and he gets frustrated quickly. His anger tends to be explosive, and it's definitely not hard to tell when he's feeling ticked off. It's best to give Ridley a wide birth when he's in a bad mood, he just needs time to cool off and it's a good idea not to get in his way until he has. Ridley doesn't like to have to focus on one thing too long, he likes to get things done quickly and lingering on one problem irritates him far too much.

Ridley can't sit still for too long, he get fidgety and likes to be doing something at all times. He gets bored quickly, and if he's left without something to do for too long, he tends to get grouchy and irritated.

He has a fiesty, rambunctious nature that he's adapted to make up for his slightly smaller stature. "Small man syndrome" is the correct term for such a thing. He's a rebel at heart.