
3 years, 8 months ago


3/3 (xxx) ♂

Mate: N/A

Cannon kids: N/A

Although his rebirth had been almost instantaneous, an event Aker would most likely never remember as most forget how they are brought into the world. Leaving it is often a much different story.

Departure can leave a scar on many too deep to heal from. In his last moments all the god of decay knew was pain and fear. Smoke and fire curling in and around the tree until nothing but memories remained. When a god dies do they have an after? Is there another life waiting for them beyond the immortality they once held? If they rule over a realm would it simply cease to exist? Aker didn't want to know these answers, yet as his life forced vanished from existence completely he found himself immediately awake once more. A jagged gap missing from between, its existence almost as if ripped from his memory by tooth and claw. Remnants jagged and painful to ponder on.

Aker found himself in a body not his own in a way he never expected to experience in his eons of life. His much smaller form dwarfed by the citizens that surrounded the reborn deities. Squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight a spike of fear tore through his helpless form. Recognize faces that had once lead the fire to his tree, to his death. The celebration that followed their birth left Aker more terrified then welcomed. Often flinching or jumping at any approach to his person the entire duration. Yet, it would not be calmed at its end. The dragon taking this time to share with them their task of learning from a hero.

Believing that this was most definitely worse Aker could only find himself backing away. Desperately hoping to hide amongst the crumbling tunnels of his previous tree instead of going on this suicide mission. Those of this realm ended his life once before why would he trust strangers with it?! The murder of a god not an easy accomplishment, but would now be much easier in this small to be mortal form. Before he could truly bolt the dragon seemed to sense his struggle. Dropping Aker through a portal for him, the cub vanishing through with shriek as he clawed the air in vain. Wings not yet ready for flight unable to raise his form away from the danger below.

The trip through the portal was fast and final as it closed behind Aker. The small cub landing not so gently onto the grass below, knocking the breath out of his chest. Frozen in the pain of impact Aker did not notice the approach of another. Only sensing their presence after they prodded his side with a large paw. Staggering to his feet as quick as he could manage Aker felt his fur rise. Back arched as he stared warily at the two-toned lion before him. Their eyes seemingly piercing him, as if this lion could read his thoughts if he looked hard enough. As quickly as the harsh stare begins it ends. Aker almost believing it never happened if he had not witnessed it himself.


Batting desperately at the lions approach Aker had not been prepared for them to grab his scruff. Becoming still as his body rises from the safety of the ground. What did this lion want? Surely they had recognized him, believing the dragon had not sent him to realm not interrupted by the war. Did they wish to punish him publicly? Taking him to the pride so everyone effected by the battle could do as they wished. Would they let him live or take this chance to finish him once again? Would the dragon even return him to life a second time?! Thoughts racing faster than travel Aker did not recognize when his surroundings changed. Where once tall green grasses grew and swayed in the gentle winds now lay vast expanses of darkness and fog. Speckled by the bright lights of constellations and stars beyond. His eyes too misty with tears to see the lone lioness and lion that they traveled towards, and not the angry pride he imagined.

As he once more found himself one with the ground Aker refused to move. Fight or flight now gone, replaced by freeze. The surrounding silence broken by four words he had most definitely not expected to hear. Words that broke his freeze into a bewildered stare of his own. "Can I keep him?" A stare shared with the larger lion that had not expected this on his mates return. "He's a god, or well was, or is still? It was hard to get a read, but he most definitely isn't staying below." Lowering his head to Aker's level as he spoke, the two-toned lions eyes now holding only gentleness and understanding. "I am Suen. The god of fertility, children, and protection in this realm. Although most below know me as the moon. It is a pleasure to meet you."

After introductions and answered questions Aker found himself calming down for the first time that day. Exhaustion creeping into his bones from the emotional turmoil that had held fast for so long. This worlds realm was a strange one. The moon god Suen assuring Aker that he was safe, and that he certainly understood the fear of mortality. Aker had grown nervous at those words knowing the god was referencing his time in the war. The others had seemed odd but not hostile. The lioness seeming more shocked at being in his presence than anything else.

As Aker reflected on his day the grip of sleep managed to successfully pull him under. Yet, his rest would not be a peaceful one. Those jagged memories from before returning in dreams he would not remember. Dreams that would continue to haunt him with unknown answers he had never wished to know. Answers that would wake the cub with a scream only to be met with the gentle whispers of Suen. Lulling his cub back to sleep.