


3 years, 10 months ago


Hiya sir!

Name Drake Bell
Called Bell
Age 15
Gender Male
Height 5'3
Build Little pudgy
Race Canadian
Role Student/Drug Dealer
Demeanor Pleasant
Alignment True Neutral
Theme Song link


  • Winter
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Fancy Cars
  • Gifts


  • Tattletails
  • Adults
  • Vegetables
  • Summer




Drake maintains a flawless image of a model student, always smiling warmly and looked up to by his peers. Adults tend to see him as the perfect little boy, always polite and reputable.


Drake is very good at hiding his true intentions behind a facade - he always smiles for the camera, but behind the scenes, he can be ruthless and cruel to a terrifying degree.


Drake isn't an idiot - his intellect is his best trait. Usually able to outsmart the cops and stay on top of the black market. This also helps him stay ahead in school, so his grades don't slip.


Drake, more affectionately known as "Bell" by his peers, is your average student body president at the private school he attends. Always on top of his classes, always willing to help out his classmates, knows how to play several instruments and even has time to star in the major plays the drama program puts on. His family is of the normal sort for the upper middle class - businessman dad, surgeon mother, Drake is an only child, though he often says his classmates are like the siblings he never had. Many people were surprised when he started dating Teresa, a relative nobody within the school, but they made such a cute couple no one could object for long.

A Child Star!

What's the point of having a kid if not to show them off, and what better way to show them off than to put them on TV? From a very young age, Drake was constantly being put in TV commercials, an extra in movies, small roles in TV shows... school was overlooked in favour of an ascent into stardom. It never really quite took off - despite his mother's best efforts, and he didn't make it into the sorts of fame she had hoped for. She eventually gave up around the time he turned 14, sending him back to school to pursue a regular education. His greatest role came from his father - after buying out a local cafe chain, he turned his son into the company mascot, welcoming in guests to an eternal Christmas themed cafe, full of gingersnaps and hot cocoa, with a friendly reindeer to welcome you inside. His persona was eternally cemented as a friendly little caribou, here to offer you cookies.

However, things change.

Business at the cafes started to take a dive. It turned out to not be very profitable. His father had to close down multiple locations. The failure put a strain on his parents marriage, until it fell apart, his mother leaving them. They were at risk of losing everything.

So Drake decided to innovate.

A New Opportunity

Being behind the scenes of movie sets and mixing with movie types, Drake was already familiar with drugs. And since drugs were things the rich did, it must be good money, right? After some research, he'd accumulated enough information to start his own drug empire, starting by ingratiating himself with a local gang, bribing his way up, and staging a coup to become the new kingpin of the whole operation. With Drake behind the wheel, he began expanding operations - using his booksmarts to run the gang more efficiently. His dad didn't really question where Drake was getting the money to keep them afloat - he didn't want to know. All that mattered is that he didn't have to admit defeat, and they could keep living like nothing had gone wrong.

No one knows about Drake's homelife, or his side business - not even his girlfriend. But he manages to balance his criminality and his school life just fine enough.



Teresa [ Girlfriend ]

An earnest girl who caught his attention through her persistence. Plus, they both have a Christmas theme - seems obvious they would hook up.


Panda DJ [ Coworker ]

With her club connections, she helps him push drugs into the city's nightlife scene.


Lamine [ Classmate ]

Asks Drake for help a lot with homework.

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