
  • Guin of Stone Henge

  • age 28
  • gender female
  • race earth genasi?
  • class monk
  • playlist
I play Guin in a D&D 5e Actual Play podcast called The Bear Table! (NSFW!)

Guin hails from a remote Halfling village known as Stone Henge, where she was worshiped as a living aspect of their goddess, Avani. After a terrible accident(?) that caused the death of her menor, Master Krale, Guin set off on her own to master her powers and spread the glorious word of Avani.
Guin was captured by an elf known as Credence Dodd and forced to fight in an arena. There she met Nikephoros Teskos and Koday Steelhammer. The three formed an allieance and defeated an ogre, and were declared winners. They were given the 'prize' of going on a mission to find a lost artifact for Credence. They ventured forth and returned, but in the end swindled him and escaped.
Soon after this, the party was contacted by a museum curator called Mike Latzgraff, who hired the three to use their skills to procure atrifacts for his collection.

Art Notes:
-Grey hair is prior to ep 12. Her hair will usually cover her left 'eye'. It is a wig and she grows no body hair.
-Starting ep 12, her hair is short and made of green moss, covering her head, eyebrows, arms, legs, shoulders and armpits, with subtle sideburns. The moss hair grows over the course of the series, ending up near shoulder length, and grows some tiny flowers. The green hair (any length) is preferred rn, since I have less art of it!
-Skin appears to be stone (but feels like flesh), scars (once healed) appear as cracks.
-Features like eyes and nails appear to be carved, entirely the same color as her skin. Even the inside of her mouth and teeth are the same color as her skin.
-Her left eye is replaced with a tiger's eye marble
-Short and stocky. plz do not make her skinny
-Doesn't have a belly button.
-Her blood is red, and active wounds look real, but, after healing appear like cracks in stone. Has a scar on her face and the back of her right shoulder.
-Her outfit varies, but she will never wear shoes.

"I am a goddess."

height 5'0"

level 13

pronouns she

sexuality ???

origin ???

allignment chaotic bitch

subclass way of the earth goddess

background idol


  • rock collecting
  • gambling
  • punching aggressive megafauna TO DEATH
  • pulling pranks


  • questions about her past
  • non-beleivers
  • Mike Latzgraff
  • having to apologize
  • intellectualism

Remy Bramblehaus

[ friend ] Guin and Remy have known each other since they were kids! But Remy seems to have some doubts about Guin's divine origins...


Avani, Goddess of Earth

[ ??? ] Is Guin really Avani's living incarnation? Is Avani Guin's mom? Or is Guin going to be crushed by a giant boulder for her hubris any day now...



[ familiar ] Guin's familiar, a little brown hognose snake.

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