


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info



Name Meaning

His name comes from the malaysian word kerakusan, which means gluttony.






198 cm / Wendigo form is 1.5 - 2 times taller




  • warm colours, dark-red is his favourite
  • hunting, fighting and laying around.
  • Having fun with others.



  • He's a wendigo. Gluttony and Hunger itself.
  • He's tall and really thin.
  • Wendigos are active at fullmoon, also one night before and after.
  • He's not restricted to the fullmoon to turn into a wendigo, but can controll it on his own.
  • The gems he's wearing are helping him to control his greed after human flesh. He still needs to compensate it with a lot of meat.
  • Got a heart of ice.
  • Hates fire and heat.

Scientiest studied on how humans were turned into wendigos. They found out that there's a ritual, which allows to turn someone into one. Their goal wasn't to create just another wendigo, but something better. Something in between: The abilitys of a wendigo but still with a human body and mind, which could be easily controlled. Kerak responded to the experiment unexpectly good, which resulted him to have the full capabiltys of a true wendigo but still to keep his human body. ...He then proceed to eat the scientists.

Before he got abducted by the scientiests, he was a law-student. He only finished the first year when they got him. He's quite smart, a quick-thinker, but he never had much interest in learning, that's why he is stuck in place since he got turned. He still has a righteous mind, somewhere deep inside him.


From his transformation to a wendigo, he lost most of his emotions. Only a few emotions or rather thoughts stayed. That would be his hate for labs and scientists, all kinds of testings and people who use others for their own greed. The most time he's apathic, only a few times he shows real emotions and only to people who "earned" it.

In the beginning and pretty much most of the time (except when he's with Ryo) he thinks like an insect. He doesn't feel anything and only thinks about what kind of use the others are and if they're worth not to eat.

He's rather distant from humans, not physically but mentally.



Ryo: Kerak was annoyed by Ryo's constant seriousness. He loves to challenge him in every way. It's a "love to hate" relationship. Ryo was the first and only who was able to fire up some live and emotions in Kerak. Even though Kerak is annoyed by it, he's really glad about it.

He first fought Ryo as well, trying to kill him. But since Ryo is very powerful as well, he didn't succed. Making Ryo way more interesting to Kerak.


Asym, Cyrus: After he freed himself, he wandered around a long time. Full of greed and hunger he met Asym, which first wanted to hunt him down, since he was monster. However he had mercy for Kerak, because he was once a human. Asym brought Kerak to Cyrus, a man who was in the middle between the monsters and the humans, who gave Kerak the gems, he's wearing now. They help him to control his hunger, and therefore control his "monster-side".

Kerak is Asym, as well as Cyrus, really thankful for what they did to him and they're really important to him.