
SPECIES - (Saber Warrior) Dog
RACE - Monotone, Tear Face, Star Mark
AGE - Adult
BIRTH PLACE - Golden-Star
CURRENT PLACE - NeoPaneruga, Among the Palace
CONTRIBUTION - Retired, former king of Golden-Star
MATE - Natzumi

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During the Griffin attack on Golden-Star he "misplaced" the Collar of Destruction. What he doesn´t know is, that Salaruh actually stole it.

In Comic

Chapter 1

When Silver comes back to Golden-Star he tells him he is not happy wih him risking his own life there but that he is also thankful for his help.
Chapter 2

He is worried about Katinka´s saftey if she stays but in the end he allows her to stay and become a part of the Golden Patrol. He orders Marlin to show her around.

Mistake: There is a mistake in Chapter 2: There is actually no way to send her back home unless they knew that she teleported to Golden-Star with her collar, which they don´t know.
Chapter 3

Yarill is holding a gathering, in which he asks his pack leaders, if anyone has to report something. Tiffany explains she found two Orakuhs and he is wondering how they came to Golden-Star.
After hearing about the technology the Orakuhs mentions, he starts thinking the Cybaxians might be involved with all of this.
He allows the Orakuhs to tell their story and is fine with Tiffany making them a part of her pack.
Chapter 9

Milo reports to his parents that Marlin decided to leave for Cybaxie along with some pack members and Gina. Yarill is comforting his mate, Natzumi but is also very worried himself about his daughter.
Chapter 24

Yarill, Natzumi and Milo learn that Marlin and the patrol went of to Planet Genesis. This time Yarill is the one expressing his worries more than his mate, who gets to be the one comforting him.
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After Milo´s pack found Norell, they bring him to Yarill so he can tell him how he was able to escape.

When he learns that a "Dark Warrior" has the Collor of Destruction, he is shocked and blames himself for that, since he used to own it and lost it.
Chapter 29

He is welcoming the new arrivals on Golden-Star and holds a gathering in the evening. In the morning he decides to expend the underground to give their guests a proper preliminary home.
