Eldora Doe



3 years, 10 months ago


(Originally created for Murder Mystery Biannual 4.5: Lose Your Mind (heavy gore warning). Also doubles as a Death Road To Canada fan character, since I made her with the random character generator. Currently lacking a "canon" story.)

Name: Eldora Doe
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Blood Type: B-
Athletic Status: Great endurance. Used to be a hurdler, but now she just jogs for fun. Does not lift.
Mechanical Status: Thorough working knowledge of car and motorcycle engines. Decent with hammers, saws, and woodworking.
Medical Knowledge Status: She did a course on CPR once. That's about it.

A perpetual worrier who can really bring the mood down.

Eldora wants to be a nice person. She really, really does. She has a great  sense of humor and lots of fascinating stories to share with people and  would just love to get to know them all. She also loves to gush  about her daughter Winona, and sometimes also her husband. But  unfortunately it's the apocalypse, and she's always got the zombies  lurking outside The City's walls on her mind. Even the most casual of  conversations with her have a very obvious level of underlying stress to  them.

Eldora manages her stress in two ways; by repairing  machines and barricades, or going for a jog. If she can't do either of  these things, expect her to get very stressed (or even panicky) very  fast. She's also not great with pain or blood.

When it comes to working in a group, Eldora thinks fast. She's quick to spot danger and act upon it, making her a useful asset in a team. She can spot flaws in a  building's security and determine problems with machinery with relative  ease. But should things get even the slightest bit out of the group's  control, you can bet she'll be the first one looking for a way to bail.

Eldora's life was neither interesting nor exciting prior to the zombie outbreak. Growing up, she was surrounded by machines. Her mother and  father alike loved tinkering with motorcycles, with such a passion that they couldn't help but rub it off on her. Although she toyed with the  idea of maybe pursuing other careers - such as accounting, or medicine,  or even Olympic-level hurdling - she ultimately settled on being a  mechanic.

She met her dear husband John Doe through work, and  later had a daughter. Then the world went to shit, and the three rushed  to the safety of The City. Things have been okay for them there,  although Eldora has had her doubts about the whole arrangement...