


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Babi Jantan


Mountain Orc




Everything's complicated

Marital status



7'8" / 234cm


68 years


booze, sex, food, melons, watermelons, honey, party, fools, dirt, big creatures, woodcraft, working


clingy people, money, abuse, unreasonable aggression, cheating



Big, strong, fat body.

Gray-blue skin with brighter blue stripes, one on face, two on neck, eight on body, two on upper arms and two on thighs.

Feet end with hooves.

Pig - like face.

A lot of body hair. In winter body completely covered in light blue long fur, face to toes.

Long wide and sharp ears.

Small eyes, dark blue sclera and light blue iris.

Highly arched eyebrows.

Huge lower tusks, smaller upper. Yellowish color.

Dark blue hair.


Scars, piercings:

Body covered in small scars, both ears have ripped out pieces.

In future pretty ugly scar, nose to lip.

Nose pierced, wears wooden piece in it. 



Babi doesn't like wearing cothes, so all he wears is fur around his hips. Sometimes leather bandages around wrists.

A very special bird scull and bones necklace.


Babi is smarter than average "boarc". And far more cunning than pretty much anyone.

He's pretty loud, not afraid of attention. Can't sing at all, but sings a lot.

Easily makes a lot of friends on the spot, but leaves that spot the next day.

Easily makes enemies too, but he keeps those in fear.

More caring that he admits he is. Partially that's why he prefers not t get close to anyone.

Can't say "no" to beggin eyes of animals, kids and women.



One of six in the litter. Has a huge family, had to raise two brothers, one died. Was raised by brother himself because mother would throw younger son into hands of older and only raises daughter herself.

Job description:

Carpenter, builder

Some info on the race:

Often reffered to as "boarc" for their simmilarity to the boar. 


Highly intelligent and very descreet species. Matriarch society. Dwelling in mountain area with mild summers and cold winters. Aren't opened to outer race influences. Outer politics and communications are very weak.

Leaving the tribe without consent is forbidden.

There are much more orc males than females and their lives aren't worth anything. So young male orcs play "games" dring winters, in which they should kill one another, or overpower and then take the luscious winter fur to wear in show of power. Only married or orcs older than 100 years are save from these games.

Females usually gives birth to 3-6 babies at a time, lucky if at least one of them is a girl.

Lifespan - up to 300 years.



Additional info:

It's difficult to see him sober.

Doesn't hunt and will kill only in self-defence. Dead body will be eaten tho.

Eats a LOT. Especially can't resist melons. Ravaged a lot of melon fields because he just can't help himself.

Doesn't mind stealing. But more often he works, as a bodyguard or carpenter.

Doesn't care if he's dirty, looks and smells like a pig. But gets quiet if he accidentally snorts.

Can't stand animal abuse. 

Bone necklace is actually his medal and a passing ticked into the Cursed Lands.

He is still searched by his race.

Plans to come back home when he's over 100 years old.

Considered very attractive among his people and some ladies would fight over his attention, if he'd ever be interested to put himself out there.

Was challenged for his skin 4 times. And that's why he ran away.

Actually was good at his job, builded some nice houses back home.