


7 years, 3 months ago


Hanshi is 5'10" and has light blue colored scales. Her scales have a slight gloss to them, but she also has a bright orange color in her frills. Has been known to boast a little more than other Doubis, and has brought shame t herself more than once for it.


She has been fairly effective during Festival of the Moon competitions and was a popular dance partner in the Festival of the Sun. During the small teams competition (3 people) she boasted that her team could best a beast only ever attempted in the large team competition (5 people). Her partners decided to defend her word, and the recklessly challenged the water beast with her. Both her partners died, and she was the sole surviver of the attempt due to intervention of the other teams. The other teams managed to save her with only minor injury to themselves, but could save the other two. Hanshi has blamed herself for what happened and has been refusing many pleasures of life for the past year.


older A:

Its been about five years sense the incedent during the Festival of the Moon. Hanshi still blames herself today as much as the day it happened. In fact she has become more reckless, and only hunts alone putting herself in dangerous position against the wisdom of those in her village. Hanshi has become a veteran of countless battles, and has numerous scares to prove it. She has been long sense debating on leaving the village.


older B:

Its been about five years sense the incedent during the Festival of the Moon. Hanshi has come to terms with what had happened as a result of her own recklessness. She has long sense offered guideness to the younger generation so that her mistakes are not repeated in them. She has been invited to help oversee the next Festival of the Moon to insure it goes safely and smoothly. For the first time in years she participated in the last Festival of the Sun. She has grown somewhat curious about what lies outiside of their homeland.


Hanshi is intended to be role played in any one of her three footnotes. Although her younger self is intended to be cannon the life she chooses to live is up to the person who owns her.