Prince Ethan



3 years, 10 months ago



Character name:

Nicknames: Prince

Race: Skeleton

Age: 18

Personality/Traits: Ethan is a poor excuse for a prince. He is a coward, will run at the slightest hint that something might happen. He rarely can speak without stuttering unless he is around his close family members. Though is terrified of the king even if his grandfather has been nothing but kind to him. Ethan has trouble being around others without feeling awkward, cause he just can't seem to relax. He tends to try and be alone most of the time and hates large gatherings. He is easy to fluster and has a hard time of looking anyone in the eye. Tending to look down often. 

On the other side, he is extremely sweet, honest, and generous he would give the shirt off his back if he thought it would help someone. He is very loving and affectionate. Ethan has a calming aura about him, and the only time he isn't fearful is when he plays music for other people. The piano being his favorite, but has been known to play the flute. He can sing, but only in front of family or when he is alone. Since when he plays music he can close his eyes and imagine people aren't there, but with singing, he tends to look at people and will begin to stutter. 

Soul:  50% Honesty, 50% Passion 

Position:  Prince



Aaron Nightfall





--Physical Appearance--

Bones: Snow white

Ecto: Mixture of soft blue and bright magenta 

Eyes: His left eye is a soft blue iris with a bright ice blue pupil. The left his sclera is always glowing slightly, a soft lavender with a bright ice blue iris with a neon magenta pupil.

Height: 5'5

Weight: Slim build with slight muscle showing. 

Attributes: Has wings he doesn't know about

Clothing: What he currently has on, but can dress up when he has to.

Extra: The collar unknown to him suppresses his magic.

Some info:  
Once upon a time Ethan was a young boy. As a child, he was wild and carefree. He dreamed of one day being a great knight. To go on grand adventures. He would be the bravest, and most powerful knight to have ever existed. He would be kind and protect the weak and powerless. Would save the world from great evils. With his mighty sword, he would slay the foul beast and creatures that dared to harm others. Aaron was more than happy to train him. Ethan was determined and worked very hard to make his teacher proud.

Then came the day that Ethan made his biggest mistake. Late one night as his parents slept, he snuck out. He heard stories of creatures in the dark forest near the castle. With his sword, and bravery he planned to prove to everyone that he was the greatest knight even if he was still just a child.

When they found Ethan a week later the poor boy was changed. He was scared and fearful of everything. He clung to his mother terrified that the moment she let go something bad would happen to him. The trauma was too much, and Ethan's mind, in order to protect himself, sealed his memories of his time in the dark forest. It would take years before he could be left alone without becoming scared, and crying. 

Ethan isn't as bad as he had been in the beginning and needless to say he no longer wishes to be a knight. He is still easily scared and will run at the first signs of trouble. At his core, he is still a sweet guy. Now though he spends his days in the library or walking in the gardens. Refusing to leave the castle walls. His grandfather in order to help thought it would be a good idea to engage him to another royal of a neighboring kingdom. Ethan has met his fiancee, but isn't interested in them, but is too much of a coward to tell his grandpa. So everyone thinks that it is a good match. When in reality Ethan is dreading the day they will be married. No, the other royal isn't evil, unkind or anything like that. From what he has seen they are sweet and would be an amazing friend, his soul just doesn't race when he sees the other royal, and that is what he wants. Ethan had heard about love from other people and most of them said when they saw the one they were to be with their souls raced. 

The collar he wears was placed on him by Aaron. When Ethan was brought back his magic was out of control, and would attack people. So to keep him from hurting others they placed the collar on him. Aaron got it from Jaster, and neither male told anyone what the collar was for. Not wishing to upset anyone. Most of all not wishing for Ethan to possibly remember that horrible time before his memories were sealed. 

Love interest: 

Songs of interest:

Into the Unknown: By- Stephen Scaccia

Piano Music: By- Multiple musicians  

Voice Claim: 

Show Yourself: By- Frozen male cover

Shipping Song: 

Rewrite the Stars: By- Cover by Duy and Justin