Jael Aul'Angelo



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation

Pansexual, Demiromantic.


Short-tempered, fussy, egotistic, naive.

Good Traits

Analytical, strong-willed, loyal, hard-working.


Studying, training with Avian, building small-scale models of different machines.

Weapon Specialty/ Fighting Style

A precise marksman, with a knack for strategy. He's not above kicking you with his heeled boots, either.


Jael Aul'Angelo






6' 5"


  Jael is one of Angelo's seven children. Unlike the others though, he was not born but grown in a lab. Angelo distorted his own genes to create what he hoped would be the perfect successor, should something ever happen to him. Out of all his children, Angelo is harshest on Jael. The young angel was trained from the time he was a child to represent the best qualities of Angelic culture and strength, and to be an excellent leader for his people. Although, Jael is often being scolded by his personal trainer Avian for his hot temper, because Avian knows that he cannot be a fully effective leader without learning how to keep a cool head. He still has much to learn before he can hope to reach his father's skill, or even that of his trainer. 

  Jael is six foot five, with white skin/feathers and blond hair. The two curly peices of hair that are longer that the rest are actually a kind of whisker, and are quite sensitive to pulling. They change texture and shape based on his current mood, and he does not like them to be touched. Despite being tall relatiev to most humans, he's shorter than most Angels he knows and this makes him self-conscious about his height. Due to this, he often wears high-heels or platform boots. The feathers/hair on the back of his head are especially soft, though he will deny that he likes being pet. His wingspan is like an Angel General's, very long and with strong muscles. They have white feathers with blond downy fur at the base, and there are two sets. Because he is so young, his second pair of wings are very small and weak, but he can fly perfectly well with the first. Like Avian, he is an excellent flyer. As he matures, he will eventually have four pairs of wings, and they will all sprout magical eyes. His hands are long and slender, with sharp retractable claws.