Merah Kebarr



3 years, 9 months ago


When ur a vampire who's been trapped in a wall for about a century, and then someone breaks into your wall, so you bite him, and then he dies, rises from the dead, and infects the entire island with vampirism, and the military is called in, along with a group of bozos who are hunting the dickhead who sealed you into a wall, but they don't know that, so they fight you and almost kill you, and then you make a truce and you agree to stay marooned on this island forever if they keep your existence a secret, and they leave, but, then some dipshits set your island on fire, so you stow away on a boat with a powerful magical artifact and end up killing a dude named Tiffany, who was apparently a real scumbag, and then you save a person named after a drug from being eaten by an elder god, and then you hand over a tool of ancient powerful vampire destruction to people who could use it to destroy you, but probably won't, and then they send you back to the island with a bunch of creepy folks in masks who are gonna train you to be a really great spy in a couple decades when your insatiable bloodlust comes under control.