Luckystar Felicite





Name Luckystar Felicite
Age 35 (TLOS), 51 (13 Knights)
Species Ventarian Feline
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Sexuality Heterosexual
Alignment Mind

One of the more well-known Saturnian Guardians, Luckystar has made a name for herself by being a kind and patient mentor. She likes to help others though her status challenges her hatred of violence often.


  • Crepes
  • Teaching
  • String music


  • Violence
  • Warm weather
  • Conflict



Luckystar is a short-haired brown tabby with black stripes. She has green eyes. She has a pair of teal butterfly wings with cyan markings and dark teal tips on the bottom and top.

She favors loose skirts and coats. Her favorite outfit is a beige coat, green shirt and ruffled moss green skirt.


Luckystar is a kind and gentle cat with almost infinite amounts of patience. She is very modest, often downplaying her own status. She has very motherly tendencies which makes on wonder why she hasn't had kittens of her own. In leau of children, she enjoys mentoring others, which she often does with her Saturnian Guardian status. She's a good teacher, able to explain things calmly and patiently. As a result, she is often the one who goes out on field tasks. She hates violence and if her position didn't force her into it, she'd style herself as a pacifist.


When she was young, Luckystar along with her sister Lunarluck lived in Thunder Bluff, a prominent city in Saturnia. While her sister wanted to become part of the flying cat base of Thunder’s Wing, Luckystar styled herself as someone who went around helping others. She joined a guild of healers for a time though, while compassionate, she wasn’t so good at it. She was referred to a sister guild for therapy and the like, finding herself better suited for it. When she didn’t do that, she offered her luck abilities to give the less fortunate a jolt of good luck.

In time, the Saturnian Guardians reached out to her to join their order. Happily, she accepted, determined to make a difference in the world. Another new in the order, Kodiak became quick friends with her and in time, loving and close mates.

Nowadays, she has made a great name of herself, between her duties as a Guardian and helping the Elemental Champions take down the Ebony Wolf.


Luckystar is aligned to Mind which gives her the ability to manipulate luck, though it needs to be directed through an object she believes gives her luck. She wears a lucky coin around her neck on a chain for this purpose.


  • Luckystar is one of my oldest characters, dating back to roughly 2006 with the first iteration of Saturnia. Her core characterization and design, a gentle brown tabby with butterfly wings, has largely remained the same. Her design and name comes from an old cat my family had named Lucky. The 'star' addition to her name was no doubt inspired by Warriors.
  • Her favorite breakfast food is crepes with raspberry jam.

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