V1v1dw1t Grandeye



3 years, 10 months ago



                                                                                      The post-scratch incarnation of the Witch of Light.

The  post-scratch self of Decima Limone, and the ancestor of Mordri Limone.  Vividwit Grandeye was an Orphaner presumably alive before the second rebellion by The Summoner that left Alternia with no adults on the  planet. She was under the service of an Heiress s a court adviser. She would continue her service for many sweeps.


Although  there were rumours Grandeye resented the heiress; going as far as to  attempt to cull the princess herself in her sleep or pull strings within  the court without the Empress’ permission to gain control for herself.  Often times taking over for her through puppeteering her along.

Vividwit Grandeye would later become one of many to join and aid the  Grand Highbloods cult in the Lime-blood purging and mass-genocide before the execution of The Sufferer, slaughtering and publicly executing many  Lime bloods to put on a show for her landwelling high blood counterparts to show off her support; She loved putting on fantastical displays of torment for the enjoyment of many high bloods thereafter like they  were jesters or theatre performances, cracking jokes at her victims own  expense, and eventually being seen as  having a good sense of humour for  a seadweller.


Grandeye became a favourable Orphaner to have connections to as a  result. As even The Grand Highblood had attended her displays, however-  She eventually would do something that pushed the boundaries far beyond  what she could control, and it became the biggest mistake of her life.


Because it would lead to her own downfall at the hands  of the clowns she entertained, and practically wipe her off Alternia  history as anyone notable. Its rumoured she  aimed one too many jokes at the wrong kinds of people. Or that she was  framed by a troll she was assumably having a love affair with, inside the heiress' court.