Naomi Fox



3 years, 9 months ago



Name Naomi Fox
Called Nao, Noir or Naomi
Birthday June 18th
Gender Female.. usually
Race Shadow Fox
Role Artist
Demeanor Extrovert
Height 5'3"


  • Fluffy Animals
  • All Fruit/ Veggies
  • Most Flowers/ plant life
  • Cold weather/ Snow
  • Mixed Media art crafts
  • friendships/ interactions
  • Dragons
  • sexy men
  • Windy days
  • thunderstorms


  • Peanuts
  • Bugs
  • Spiders
  • Zombies
  • Hot weather/ Heat
  • Isolation
  • Small Spaces



Nao is a sweet girl who gets easily distracted. She is obsessive over completing tasks when focused on something and can forget about everything around her when working on an art piece or entransed in a game. She had a split personality at times being a sweet fox who is willing to help others with anything she can manage but if wronged she can turn into someones worst enemy, becoming very passive agressive about topics or other people. She enjoys the small victories in life and spends her time trying to enjoy the moment then worry to far ahead in the future.

Species Notes: Shadow Fox

A shadow fox can have many forms but the most common is that of a small black fox with a black wisp-like tail that moves with the wind.


  • Transformation: A shadow fox can transform their bodies into many different creatures but it is in look only. They can not mimic any special talents of those species and will always be black in color no matter what form they take.
  • Human form: a human form is much like a branch from their transformation skill. Their human forms will be pale skinned and dark hair. They can have their ears and tail but can also look very human as well.
  • Float/ fly/ hover: though it can be described in a few ways they move with the wind. They can float in the air or use the air currents to fly about as they wish. They don’t control the wind but use the flow of nature to move about.

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