qiu wen



7 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


28, physically 19


(undead) human


cis female, she/her

romantic/sexual orientation


race/ethnicity, nationality



lionbrook student


running on fumes

||| physical appearance |||

5'4", deathly skinny (literally). pale skin, light green eyes, and dark brown hair. patches of skin have been sewn onto her body, and many of them are a different skin tone than her natural complexion. her skin is also horribly discolored, similar to bruising, except it never goes away. if she bumps her elbow, that purple spot is just there now. sucks dude. wears as much clothing as possible to cover up her horrid complexion.

||| personality |||

qiu is not exactly charismatic, or interesting, or... anything, really. she's just sort of average, temperate, and quiet. she's got self-esteem issues for obvious reasons and has a bleak outlook on her un-life. qiu opens up when she's with people she trusts, however-- she is quite the jokester, and is full of stories to tell. she enjoys being around her friends because they make her feel safe.

||| background |||

qiu was brutally murdered in a shanghai back alley. a necromancer revived her and made her into sort of their pet project, keeping her under lock and key in their basement. eventually, they grew tired of her and told her to leave, which she gladly did, but she found that without close proximity to the person who casted the spell keeping her alive, her body rapidly deteriorated. she turned to potion brewing to try and keep her body in habitable condition, and currently depends on the potions she creates to keep herself from falling apart. she attends classes at lionbrook academy for the arcane, in order to become better at potion brewing and maybe one day transmute herself a brand new body. she is sorted into house ambarella at the school.