"Carnage" the Moth 💔



3 years, 10 months ago


HTML by Eggy

  • Charlie is responsible for the disappearance of 5 pet chao and the destruction of a pharmaceutical factory.
  • She has successfully kidnapped two children on two seperate occasions - Sophie the Mongoose and Cream the Rabbit. Unfortunately for her, she never got around to experimenting on them.
  • Her theme song is vs SAYU.
  • Two songs that makes me think of Charlie is Prescription by Mindless Self Indulgence , Instant Crush by Daft Punk and Breezeblocks by alt-J.



Wrath the Spider

[ Estranged friend ]

Charlie and Wrath had romantic feelings towards eachother, but neither formally confessed them - it was somewhat of an unspoken mutual agreement that they were an item. He introduced her to many of his own friends and showed her kindess that nobody else would. Charlie remembers that Wrath was set on being either a fashion designer or model...she wanted to share all of her accomplishments and failures with him for the rest of her life. Nowadays, she buries herself in work in order to avoid thinking about what their lives could have been like.


"Raid" the Botfly

[ Ally ]

"Raid" is Charlie's hired help. She sends him out to collect materials and test samples for her to use in the lab. Rejects his romantic gestures and comments, but is more than happy to have him as an 'audience' member for her long science schpiels. She never shows it, but his company and hard work is very much appreciated.


Cubot & Orbot

[ Companion(s) ]

Cubot and Orbot are companions to Charlie. They enjoy her company far more than Eggman's, and she loves having them around since they don't ever interfere with her work and are pretty entertaining. Charlie would steal them if she knew how to take out their tracking chips...


Suzy the Cat

[ Cohort ]

Suzy is Charlie's co-worker, quote-unquote. Charlie is highly suspicious of Suzy, but doesn't overstep her boundaries with the cat. Could probably be excellent teammates if they both weren't so cycnical and distrusting of one another.


Doctor Ivo Robotnik

[ Accomplice ]

Charlie's (Eggman only knows her as "Carnage") partner and ally. She abuses his trust in her to gain access to his lab. Charlie will occassionally make bioweapons for him.

HTML by Eggy