


4 years, 1 month ago



  • BLOODLINE Nasaine
  • SPECIES Granthera
  • GENDER Female
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • AGE 5
  • BIRTH DATE August 13th
  • MOTHER Delphi
  • FATHER Vilmos
  • MATE Do'Khas Karim
  • # LITTERS 3
  • # CUBS 7
  • WIKI LINK Here

STR – 10 | RES – 7 | WIS – 7 | CHA – 6 | DEX – 10


Ears: L | Tails: L | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: L






Fantasia is a macabre and generally sad thera. She often seems brooding and aloof, as she is easily lost in thought. She suffers from a great emotional turmoil, though she cannot explain why. It is simply that she has depression, and despite a loving home life, she will always be emotionally imbalanced. Grans who can put up with her negative mannerisms and stay around her will find that she is a loving, caring, almost obsessive thera. If you show her kindness and compassion, she will usually end up clinging to you, and relentlessly attempt to show you the same kindness. In turn however, Fantasia can be bitter and cold if one were to piss her off. The instant another hurts her or those close to her she abandons them in her mind. She acts like they never existed, pushing the pain out, or so she thinks.


Fantasia and her siblings were raised in a healthy environment with their mother Delphi, their grandmother Pandora, and the small clan of other grans that lived together. Despite growing up with love and affection, Fantasia has always had a deep and unshakable sadness within her. She does not understand why she can’t be happy when she has everything a gran could ever want. She returns her family’s love tenfold, however, as she is compelled to do as gratitude for not abandoning her. Since coming of age, Fantasia has since left the compound and forged her own life adventure. She has established a densite and a territory, though she wanders from it quite often in search of something that will make her feel whole inside. When she returns home, if someone has attempted to overtake her territory, she drives them out with unrelenting force. Many of her travels are to the territory of Al’Shifa, where she consults the Shifas on how to cure her sadness. As of current, nothing they have tried has worked permanently; though she has learned that fermented fruit lifts her spirits for a short while, and she has become mildly addicted to the effects.


Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.

Character Name

Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.

Character Name

Maecenas iaculis sagittis quam vel feugiat. Morbi porttitor ligula metus, id scelerisque risus varius at. Sed non urna sed odio blandit fermentum eu vel dolor.