Kait Paltel



3 years, 10 months ago


Name:  Kait "Kite" Paltel

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Bodyguard/ Mercenary

Appearance:  Super Wip Drawing via mspaint   

Kait is a heavilly augmented ex-soldier, once his augments were  discontinued in favor of bio-augments and more profitable endeavors, he  was discharged and left to his own devices. He stands at six foot five  inches, with most of his body covered in plating and armor, replacing  most of his regular form in favor of a more combat-ready exo-suit. His  arms are augmented and covered in similar plates, but unlike his  face-plate and most of the plates on his torso, he cannot remove them.  His helmet is made of a light and durable alloy, with a glass-like visor  smoothing out his features to make his visage more robotic, the  face-plate can be retracted to sit atop his head and show his actual  face, though he prefers not to do so.

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 289 LB

Unusual Marks: None that are visible.

Augmentations: His arms are completely mechanical, with  "tendons" controlling their motion, his arms allow him strength greater  than that of the average man

Exo-suit- his entire body is encased in an exo-suit of military  origins, which provides him ample protection from most hazards he would  have encountered, the suit also regulates his body temperature and  informs him of illnesses and injuries. While most of the suit can be  removed via plates, his neck and spine are integrated and thus he cannot  remove the plating and mechanical parts in those areas.

Cybernetic optics- As part of the standard when joining the military in  the past, his eyes were replaced with cybernetic that allow him normal  enhanced vision, along with night vision. His eyes also allow him to  zoom in on targets, which makes sniping jobs a cake walk.

Integrated cybernetics - His helmet also functions to transmit radio  signals and cellular transmissions, and he can intercept and receive  such signals as well, removing the need of a cellular device or other  means of external communication, he's capable of linking into cyberspace  as well.

Personality: Kait is a rather stern and no-nonsense individual  who prefers to follow the regulations and rules of standing laws, though  doesn't find himself unable to break them. He harbors a hatred of those  that abandoned him, even though he gave up most of his regular life in  order to protect others, and he feels betrayed by even his closed  family. He's slow to trust, and even slower to open up to others, but  those he considers friends he behaves more loosely and like he had  before he was augmented. He has a dry sense of humor and on occasion has  been known to pull pranks on others.

Quirks: He occasionally beat-boxes, though his helmet makes it  sound far more robotic than he would prefer. He still won't remove it in  the presence of others though.

He also likes to dance to electro-swing, and if anyone sees him, they  just see a robot-man dancing in silence, since he restricts the music to  his helmet.


+ Animals

+ Beat-boxing and singing

+ Ambient and Electro-swing music.

- Taking off his helmet

- Rich assholes

- Static interference


Kait is rather headstrong and stubborn, and will hardly budge on his  opinions if he feels he's right. He also tends to get into conflict with  stuck-up rich folk, or anyone shunning augments. Though he has a soft  spot for helping those in need, even complete strangers, and taking care  of nearly any stray animal he finds. He's also highly loyal to those he  trusts.

History: Kait grew up in a military family, and following suit he  joined their ranks when he came of age. At that time, Prague had  mandatory augments issued to the soldiers (or he could have volunteered)  and Kait was no exception, most of his body being augmented to suit  hazards and all sort of situations and terrains. The augments worked as  intended, though Kait found himself discharged along with many of his  squadmates following the discontinuation of augment support. In anger he  lashed out at some men who'd been lucky enough to avoid augmentation,  as they'd mocked him as he packed his belongings,the act was seen as  assault and he was ordered to turn himself in, but instead he fled to  the underbelly of the city, doing his best to keep a low profile and  avoid disassembly.

Goal: Find somewhere that he's accepted.