


3 years, 10 months ago




Name Phoenix

Labels Queer, Genderqueer

Pronouns (She/her)

Age 18

Species Cat

Birthday April 26th

Theme Dead City Radio

HTML Pinky
“To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story.” - Stan Lee


Phoenix is my fursona, she is very friendly, outgoing, and loves to makes friends. She loves her alone time but tries to be there for her friends when they need her. She is nerdy and enjoys watching anime, writing stories, and playing video games. Phoenix loves to be inside most of the time, but tries to be in nature often. She loves nature and enjoys taking walks, caring for animals, and taking breaks outside.

Phoenix, despite being friendly, is a bit stubborn. Whenever she puts her mind to something, she wants to do it no matter what. Along with my other sonas, Phoenix isn't exactly like me but represents a part of me. She is my really happy and creative side, who wants to always be there for the people around her. She has big dreams and wants to do anything she can to make them happen. Even when she reaches rock bottom, she still smiles and tries her best.


Height 4'9"

Eyes Blue and Red

Fur Purple

Hair Color Green

Hair Style Short tuff

Demeanor Friendly


  • Her body type has a wider waist with a small chest.
  • Markings on wrist and ankles are straight, not curvy.
  • Features are more wolf than feline like, but can be drawn either way.
  • Her tail is usually long like a cat's, but can be drawn shorter like a wolf's tail.



Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Phoenix is a very friendly and polite person, always happy to help and meet new friends. She is joyful and loves to make jokes often, having a good time is important to her. She has a slightly tough personailty, only due to her stubborness and isn't easily sensitive. Phoenix is smart in certain areas, however her impluses and over-joyful personailty causes her to get into a lot of trouble and not think much before acting. Despite being slightly tough, she is still easily scared in regard to loud noises and surprises. Even though she is timid to this, that doesn't stop her from enjoying horror media. Phoenix, as said as before, loves her friends and is always honest to them. She always loves to help..but can be lazy at times, especially when it comes to more physical tasks. She still tries her best to do as much as she can, before taking a long, long break. Even when dealing with furious people, Phoenix can always keep her calm in an agruement. She always loses her temper, rare as it is, whenever her stubborness gets in the way of her emotions.



Drawing is something that has always been in Phoenix's life. She loves doing it and it inspires her to stay creative. No matter the media she will always have a blast creating and looking at art.


Creating new worlds and storylines is a passion for Phoenix, it fills her with so much inspiration and joy. Whenever she feels overhwelemed she likes to escape into her fictional worlds to take a break from real life.


Similar to world-building, Phoenix loves to read and write to escape current stresses in everyday life. It’s also just something she has a passion for, there are so many stories she enjoys and loves to spend time reading. Not just books but any media that tells a story she will have a connection to as it’s something she can expand on whenever she gets new ideas.


She loves anything fluffy, soft, and cute with everything she has. She loves to collect plushies and soft things as it gives her comfort and she loves to cuddle and hug her cute items. Phoenix will often take time to organize her collection as playing with or looking at her plushies gives her a lot of joy.


Strict Deadlines

Whenever Phoenix is working on something like a project she likes taking her time so she can put all her passion into it. However, deadlines take a lot of the fun out of the project and make her more stressed than passionate which leads to her not being happy with the end result.

Cold Weather

While cool weather is fun, cold weather is something she can’t stand as much. It doesn’t help she doesn’t like wearing lots of clothing and gets cold easily. So overall she doesn’t enjoy being in cold weather.

Doing Nothing

Phoenix likes having calm and relaxing moments but can stand doing nothing in silence for long periods of time. If it’s a few moments outside for a short walk or a breather it feels nice, but after a while it gets boring and she starts getting worried about all the things she isn’t doing.

Art/Writer's Block

Something that never fails to annoy Phoenix is having a creative block. Everything she loves doing is creatively related whether it's writing or drawing, so having a block can really make her frustrated as it stops her from doing what she loves.



Phoenix, just like me, loves to write. She loves to make short stories about friendship, adventures, and fantasy. She likes to keep her stories neatly in a journal or on her computer, but sometimes it can be messy with notes or rough drafts. Phoenix dreams of publishing her own stories one day and is working on her skills to make a fantastic book for her debut.


Phoenix is a BIG dreamer, an overachiever. However, she constantly overestimates herself and her time. It can be a good thing that she believes in herself so much and makes amazing projects, however, she can easily overwhelm herself with that much pressure. Phoenix usually has to sit back and really plan out what she wants to do before doing it because she can quickly turn a simple project into something complex.

Easily Distracted

Phoenix can get very focused on certain games or videos, however, she is a very easily distracted person. Her mind can hop from one project to the other, without much thought, and can make focusing on something difficult. She tries different schedules to make herself more focused on her work, which does work, but when she isn’t on a schedule she will jump from a lot of different things and ultimately make no progress on any of them.


There is one thing Phoenix can not resist, collecting things. Whether it’s video game achievements, plushies, or buttons; she wants to collect everything! She doesn’t have a specific taste when collecting and can vary a lot in styles, sizes, and themes. Phoenix hopes to have a colorful and fun collection one day, espeically when she is able to afford the space for it.


Phoenix is a purple cat who loves to support her friends and make art. She is studying to get her creative writing bachelor's and making art for a living. She doesn’t just make digital art though, she has a ton of variety in her products to pair with her love of multiple hobbies. Phoenix sells mini sculptures, prints, stickers, and even plushies. She always loves to make new things for everyone to enjoy. Right now she lives alone in a simple house and she loves decorating it from head to toe with all of her favorite things. No matter the season or holiday, she always has a new look or decoration for her home.

Looking around her home she has tons of hobbies and interests in gadgets. From her computer to a coffee bar, she has everything she needs to have a great time. Phoenix loves to have her friends come over and hang out, especially when they play games or have a dinner night. When she hosts she makes sure everything is perfect and comfortable. She stocks up on her friend’s favorite drinks and snacks often, so when her friends need anything they can help themselves. Nothing describes her home, and company, better than bright and comfortable.


Growing up, Phoenix was quiet and generally kept to herself. She never felt too confident to be friends with anyone, so she never had many friends as a kid. She ended up loving doing things by herself like crafting, playing video games, and writing. However, seeing how everyone in her life had friends and it started to weigh on her. Phoenix realized this and began trying her best to finally get friends, which had its ups and downs. After a while, she met her best friends and is always there for them when she can. It felt like the greatest time of her life to finally have a group of people who she can call her second family.


Her dreams find her wanting to be a writer and share her stories all around the world. That’s exactly what she is working for, with her best friends and family by her side cheering her on. With much trial and error, she finally found an organization system that worked for her, now she can keep everything nice and tidy without much worry.

Phoenix finds companionship in many different animals throughout the years, so much so that she volunteers at an animal shelter so she can keep finding joy in animals no matter what. It took years of planning but Phoniex was finally able to sell her own merch and she was never happier seeing her cute little products at conventions and online. She always takes time to make new things she knows everyone will enjoy. She also is having her dream of making her own multiverse a reality, starting small with simple video games and books. Phoenix has plans to grow it beyond comics and animated titles one day, something she is incredibly excited about. While she has all these things going on in her life now, she still makes time for her best friends and family. Inviting them over often to hang out and play games like they have been doing for years and years. It seems a lot of things came together for Phoenix and she couldn’t be happier, however, she is still excited about what else she can do beyond what she has already planned.

