


9 years, 1 month ago



i have like at least 99999 AU's of this character so gomen if half the crap doesn't look normal

an art aesthetic character mainly

+ association with blood / bloody halo(s) or any type of halo(s)

+ androgynous (doesnt associate with any gender) intended male

+ robotic/rigid

+ personality: manipulative, distant, despotic, sadistic, meticulous, disassociate, uncaring&unquestioning, kinda narcissistic

+ alignment: lawful neutral

+ hair color: pale semi-saturated strawberryish sometimes silver blonde?

+ eye: glow red circle in middle for pupil, rest of eye is light grey/silver to white...sometimes pale green blue/chlorine-like, sometimes red, sometimes white w/ blue/green hue; idk

+ can also have short hair

+ a character with several au's, so idc what outfit you draw him in, its up to you, but he likes simple/minimalistic outfits

+ in all the au's he is either a robot, test tube baby, angel, or any unearthly-unhuman bananaman

+ google red rabbit eyes, thats basically his eyes

+ so character development: he is tortured; loses his right eye, two right fingers, some hind teeth, and 3/5 hair (b/c i really dont want to draw long hair anymore lmao)