

art by Shawdow

  • Algernon
  • Monster Entomologist


  • Full Name Algernon 'Jr' Maiheilvath Baxter
  • Nicknames Algy, Alg, Nony
  • Timeline Came into Existance within Victorian Era
  • Gender Male
  • Species Nishruu, Hakeashar
  • Ethnicity Black British, Caribbean
  • Residence His mansion is hidden within the New Forest of England
  • Occupation Entomologist
  • Sexuality Homosexual, Polyamorous
  • Religion Agnostic, but sometimes references Polytheism

art by Murakaeru

"I will continue to watch as the world goes on, while the human race buckles."


Algernon, is a Hakeashar, the adult form of a Nishruu. This means that he is not a demon, moreso an odd species of monster.

Despite having such a terrifying true form, Algernon retains the image of quite a gentleman, and has quite a nice company if he is in a good mood. Algernon is a self proclaimed entomologist. He studies both normal insects, and the far more...unnatural beings, from giant insectoid monsters, to tiny big-eyed talking spiders.

This smug monster might, and will talk you dry when it comes to bugs or legends, just make sure not to question his knowledge. This is a Victorian Era being of pure magic and teeth, trust me when I say he KNOWS what he is talking about.


  • Alignment Chaotic Neutral
  • Brain Dominance Left
  • Emotion Calm
  • Outlook Life is far too long for those whom cannot escape it
  • Belief Intelligence is Power

art by Jellylamb

"Do not fear the gentle dark, for it is far more welcoming than the harsh and arrogant light."


Quite akin to his pompous and uptight looks, his personality is equally as dramatic. Algernon quite literally can go from 0-10 with a single sentence. One moment he could be a fruity mannerly know-it-all, and the next moment he could be one cold condescending bastard. Algernon has a bit of a difficult personality to swallow, or even to get used to. Sure he can be overly egotistical and talkative, as well as stern and harshly direct, but he is not an evil creature, not by a long shot. Algernon rarely kills, and even if he does, it's normally people/creatures that truly threaten or anger him. He COULD feed upon blood and flesh, but much rather prefers magical energy.

That being said, Algernon can get very clingy and protective over those who he latches onto. He can be a bit of a 'dad', for he gets overly excited when he gets to lecture or teach someone about something. If you're someone he's REALLY attached to (example: Roxy), expect a lot of hovering and sometimes soft cuddles to keep you warm. This man is like a walking heater in the winter. He as well gets quite touchy. Hair playing, shoulder touching, and even laying his chin on your shoulder. (this is all done in a platonic, big brother sort of way)

Positive Traits

  • Loyal
  • Intelligent
  • Protective
  • Understanding
  • Gentlemanly
  • Can be very Affectionate

Negative Traits

  • Smug
  • Pompous
  • Condescending
  • Physically Clumsy (when not using magic)
  • Stubborn
  • Easily Flustered


  • Magic
  • Insect Handling
  • Languages
  • Intelligent
  • Intimidation
  • Physical Control


  • Physically Slow
  • Inability to 'Open Up'
  • Temperment
  • Easily Flustered with Romantic Topics
  • Very Ticklish
"How DARE you!? I am a creature of power, why must you resort to poking me!? Keep your tiny grubby fingers away from my form!"
  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Tea
  • Books
  • Quiet
  • Intelligent Conversations
  • Makeup (guilty pleasure)


  • Rats
  • Cockroaches
  • 'Himbos'
  • Sports
  • Sandpaper
  • Messy Surroundings


  • Reading
  • Studying (playing with) his pet insects
  • Puzzles
  • Nail Painting/Doing Hair (guilty pleasures)
  • Drag
  • Piano


  • Can handle/calm any insect
  • Can speak and write a long list of languages
  • Spellcasting
  • Getting into small spaces despite size
  • Voice manipulation (higher pitched voice allows him to pull off a flawless female voice when in drag)
  • Playing any keyboard instrument
"Such gorgeous, darling little creatures insects are..FAR more delightful than the likes of the human race. At least THESE little beauties actually listen to me."


  • Hair Brown, Curly, Neck-length
  • Eyes Often refered to as: Ruby
  • Skin Black
  • Height 7ft2
  • Skinny
  • Curvy
  • Boney
  • Groomed

art by Wuhsawgi

"How quaint, you have the nerve to disrespect my attire, while you're sitting there wearing a t-shirt of all things! Ohohoho~!"


A man as massive and impressive as his knowledge. Algernon stands at a monstrous 7ft2, and due to his upright stiff posture, tends to tower over a good 99% of those who he comes in contact with. Despite seeming quite lanky, Algernon hides some impressive muscle under his leather coat, as well as some nice legs- Algy has very springy chocolatey brown curls, that do indeed bounce a bit when he moves his head. Algernon normally wears a black leather jacket, a white polo underneath, black dress pants and some black dress shoes with golden buttons. And of course his signature red bowtie. No matter what outfit or occasion, Algernon will always be wearing this accessory.

Algernon hides what some call 'Tusks' or even 'Mandibles' within his mouth. Normally they are unable to be seen, and only the pointy tips poke out from his gums. There are multiple ways and reasons for Algernon to unsheath these tusks. When he gets angry, he has little to no control over his tusks, so they will automatically come out When using a very powerful spell When tired or exhausted And finally, when he simply wants to These tusks are very sturdy, and have the bite force of a jaguar. It would be wise not to put your hands too close to Algernon's face..that is if you can reach all the way up there-

Reference (open in new tab)

Roxy Corrson, Adoptive Sister

Time known each other: Ever since Algy was 6

When Algernon was put into the orphanage, he met a little girl around his age that severely reminded him of his previous older sister. So, he pretty much latched onto and began to follow her like a lost puppy dog, much to her annoyance. Over the years, it was reversed. Now, Roxy and Algernon still secretly care for eachother, but quite normally are seen arguing, teasing or playing with each other, typical brother and sister. (Roxy belongs to my best friend Shawdow, who drew Roxy's Icon)

Malashta Viecheki, 'Close Friend', 'Partner'

Time known each other: Since Algy was 16

Also known as Algernon's bane of existence, Malashta has had the hots for Algy since Algy was 18, however they've known eachother for longer . Malashta very commonly is quite flirty towards the monster. In the future (many centuries later), the two immortal beings will indeed finally share the feelings, and will indeed humor the idea of a relationship. Malashta becomes Algernon's partner, or at least one of many.

Mycin Lintell, Cannonical Partner/Boyfriend

Time known each other: 2-3 years

Mycin started out as a simple cook and massuse within Algernon's mansion, yet their affections evolved into something so much more. They are most of the time inseparable, and tend to be very clingy towards eachother. Algernon sees Mycin as his favorite 'pet', sure. But he is not afraid to easily admit that Mycin is not just another 'pet', he is more or less the person Algernon wants to spend his life with. Mycin's shy yet flirty demenor and gentle laziness just seem quite adorable to the demon, while in Mycin's eyes, both Algernon's brain and looks have absolutely captivated his heart.

Haanaash, Favorite Pet / Master

Time known each other: Since Algy was 21

Algernon met Haanaash while exploring a series of large unknown tunnels near the mountains. Their first meeting, Haanaash was in his 'Goliath' form, a 14ft tall monstrous humanoid insect form. He 'had a bit of a nice long chat' with Algernon, and has had the monster's heart and loyalty ever since. Now, Algernon happily carrys Haanaa around on his shoulders in a smaller snake-sized natural insect form, mostly just to make sure he's safe, and also for the 'company'.





Present Day

Now in the 2000s, many eras after his time of coming into existence, Algernon spends his days mostly in peaceful quiet solitude. He rarely ever leaves his giant mansion. His days are usually filled with reading, puzzles, writing or even just studying the different insects he owns. His biggest hobby being: collecting goliath (giant insectoid) creatures that Malashta brings him.


art by Koroblin

profile html by hukiolukio