Skye's Comments

I'd love to offer a trade for this lil dude! Can look through my secondaries or tertaries folders!

Hi! Thank you, although unfortunately I'm not really looking for characters atm as I'm trying to get rid of the excess of characters I have that I'm not using and don't realistically see myself doing so. I did give a look just in case there was a character that really caught my eye I'd make an exception for, but I didn't see any. I am more open to considering monetary or art offers ^^

Tysm for looking I appreciate it so much! I hope you have a great day!

Alright! Thank you for offering, hope you have a good day as well ^^

anyone in my toyhouse interest you for this child?

Hi! Sorry I didn't see anyone I think I would use :(

Anyone in my th interest you

Hi! You have some really beautiful characters ^^ I'm super interested in this one!

Alright, let me draw them and see how I connect to them and I'll update you on that

Thanks! I'd def be willing to offer some art too if you'd like! I really love their design ^^

Sorry, but I don't think I'd want to trade them yet

Dang, ok. Let me know if you ever do, I'd be willing to trade multiple characters and art on the side. Thanks for considering though and taking interest in one of my characters ^^

2 Replies