
Royal dark Lapis was a powerful terraformer, who would help train Lapis gems who had just emerged. She helped to terraform many of Blue Diamond's colonies, including the location of the spire where she would eventually be stored. 

During the war on earth, she had been requested to send a message to a Moonstone who was at the spire. At this time however, the Moonstone and her entourage were attacked by a band of rebels. Royal Dark Lapis was caught up in this attack as a witness. She saw the Moonstone get shattered, and her Spinel damaged, but before she could escape, her gem was cracked and she poofed.

The rebels fled once an Agate and some guards got wind of the attack and came to try and help, leaving her gem out in the open. The Agate picked it up, and kept it up for safekeeping, not sure what to do with the gem.

The damage to her form meant it took a long time for her to reform, but once she did, her form was broken. She was missing a leg, and her form would sometimes glitch painfully, though with it only being a surface crack, she was able to stay stable enough that she could still move around. At first, it seemed as if there was nobody around at the spire, it seemed abandoned, but she very quickly felt like someone was watching her. To her shock, a strange looking gem, who turned out to be a fusion of two different gems approached her. Though at first she was shocked, and even a little appalled, the gem only wanted to help her. In this state, she feared she could be shattered, especially if those rebels were to return (Despite the original attack actually happening over 50 years ago.)

She allowed the fusion, who she discovered was called Amazonite, to take her underground to safety, where she found that the fusion had made it into a home. There, she saw a familiar face, as she encountered the Spinel that the Moonstone had owned.